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“Hast dein Schutzschild genommen” – why not “deinen”?

This is from the song Kämpferherz by Pietro Lombardi: Hast dein Schutzschild genommen, jedes Feuer abgewehrt. Will mir nicht vorstellen wie es ohne dich wär’. I’m curious why he uses dein. Shouldn’t ...
Mark Thomsen's user avatar
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Possessive adjective used predicatively?

Is it correct to say that possessive adjective could never be used predicatively? That is, it could only be used attributively as complement of a head noun? I ask this because I could not find any ...
Ali Koohpaee's user avatar
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Can possessive pronouns ever come on their own after a noun?

I was wondering whether it might be possible to formulate a phrase in German using the syntax mentioned in the question above - or more precisely, whether this would be considered a valid formulation ...
fruitless fruit juice's user avatar
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Why Deine Zauber?

I am trying to read Friedrich Schiller's An die Freude (Ode to Joy). On the fifth line he says: Deine Zauber binden wieder Was die Mode streng geteilt; Zauber is masculine according to Duden and I ...
Ali Koohpaee's user avatar
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der Ihren – Alternative form of a possessive pronoun (ihr-) used for emphasis?

The words “der Ihren” appear in the following text from a comic book: Person A: Der Legende nach haben jedes Jahr zwei tapfere Krieger eines Stammes versucht, den Goldenen Fluss zu erreichen. Person ...
Satish Vasan's user avatar
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Determiner before Genitivatrribut/Possessivpronomen

Recently I found an example sentence in DWDS under the entry "zugutetun": Goethe war bis an sein Lebensende stolz auf dieses sein Jugendwerk, auf das er sich, neben dem Faust, am meisten ...
ecceistiimpii's user avatar
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Use of "ihre" vs "die ihre"

In a recent post the following sentences appeared: Die Frau besitzt eine Gabel. Das ist ihre Gabel. Diese Gabel ist ihre. Diese Gabel ist die ihre. Both the sentences "Diese Gabel is ihre."...
Satish Vasan's user avatar
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Possesive pronomen + eins..?

Could someone explain the grammar of the amalgation of possesive pronouns with eins? For example consider the word 'euereins' source: example.
Brian's user avatar
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Diese Leiche und seine Umstände

I am reading "Der nasse Fisch" in German on my Kindle, (making much use of the German-English dictionary). This particular paragraph in the book confuses me: "Diese Leiche ist perfekt! ...
Steve's user avatar
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The correct graph of possessive pronoun and adjectives

There are conflicting information in many parts of the internet, so I ask the question here. In this video by 'Your German Teacher', the following table is given for possesive articles: Masculine: ...
Brian's user avatar
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Possessive pronoun after sein

Which is/are correct and why? Der Hund ist mein. Der Hund ist meiner. My thinking is that only 2 is correct. If a noun follows mein-? then it's a determiner, and the masculine possessive determiner ...
RDBury's user avatar
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Is "dir" required in "Wasch deine Hände"

If I want to order my children to wash their hands, is Wasch deine Hände correct or does it require dir like in Wasch dir deine Hände. Is this extensive to all body parts?
JorgeeFG's user avatar
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How could sein be the correct possessive in this case?

In conversation with 2 native German speakers I wanted to say: The very sight of him rattled me. So I said: Der bloße Anblick von ihm erschreckte mich. Whereupon they called that sentence ...
user44591's user avatar
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Bestimmter Artikel mit Possessivpronomen [closed]

der/die/das ihre, der/die/das Ihre, die Ihren die deinen der/die/das seine Can you please explain to me how these work? How can I use them? Can you please write for me some examples?
Mario Bedon's user avatar
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Unseren vs. unsern vs. unsren

Part of this question already exists on Reddit, but I thought it would be worth asking again here because it might produce some more reliable and complete answers. In Wiktionary's declension table (...
RDBury's user avatar
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"deren" vs. "ihres" to mark ownership

Under the usage of der/die/das as a demonstrative pronoun, lists the usage of dessen/deren to mark ownership clearly. As an example, the site gives - Herr Müller geht mit Anton und seiner ...
Satish Vasan's user avatar
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"Welt, ade, ich bin dein müde" in Bach BWV 158

This question concerns the word dein as occurring in a Bach's cantata Der Friede sei mit dir (BWV 158) as below. Welt, ade, ich bin dein müde, Salems Hütten stehn mir an,   Welt, ade! ich bin dein ...
Catomic's user avatar
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One adjective for two singular nouns (same gender)

Here is my question. I've tried reading other threads, but I couldn't find an answer. I have to translate this sentence: with her typical beauty and kindness mit ihrer üblichen Schönheit und ...
Lolli's user avatar
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The use of "-en" in a specific phrase

The phrase "meinen Befehlen" which means "my order" is used in a sentence from the movie Untergang. From other sentences I know "mein" means "my" and "...
cr001's user avatar
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Which possessive pronoun should follow 'Kind' (female) or 'Mädchen' - feminine or neuter? Das Mädchen hat ihren (oder seinen) Hut verloren? [duplicate]

Older texts would use the appropriate grammatical gender for possessive pronouns, eg, 'Das Weib hat seinen Hut verloren.' Is this still the best usage, or should we now use the natural gender, ie, '...
John McGill's user avatar
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In "Was isst du am liebsten", what's the explanation of "du am liebsten", instead of "deine am liebsten"?

I've just started to learn German, and I encountered this sentence: Was isst du am liebsten? The translation, according to he video that I'm learning from, is What's your favourite food? But ...
Reza Sameei's user avatar
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“Wir kaufen ein Geschenk für unsere Tante.” – why “unsere”?

Q) Wir kaufen ein Geschenk für _____ Tante. unserer unsere unseren I came across this question on an app that I am using to practice German. I thought Option 1 is correct because Tante ...
Nagma begum's user avatar
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Masculine possessive adjectives ending in nominative

I am really confused if masculine nouns in nominative should take the -(e)r ending or not. Or when. This article gives examples in nominative both with and without -er ending: https://www.fluentu....
waverider's user avatar
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Why is it "unserem" in this sentence?

Manche sprechen von einer neuen Evolution, die das Leben auf unserem Planeten fundamental verändern könnte. I take the case to be accusative because of "auf" and the verb "verändern" which has the ...
Sasan's user avatar
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How to use possessive relative pronoun combined with case(nominative, dative,..) and gender(male,female)? [closed]

Forgive my ignorance, I didn't study through a serious German Grammar book yet but I will someday. I have a sample statement below for which I have a question. Das ist der Freund, dessen Foto ...
Chan Kim's user avatar
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ihr vs sein (possessive pronouns) [closed]

I have a simple question concerning the following sentences: Die Katze trinkt ihr Wasser. and Der Hund trinkt sein Wasser. I would like to get a better understanding as to why "ihr" and "sein" ...
Janrich's user avatar
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Why is it "für ihren Bruder" but not "für ihr Bruder"?

I couldn't figure out the grammar rule here. I know it is possessive pronoun but I don't know the case (it seems nominative here) Sie kauft die blaue Mütze für ihren Bruder. Please tell me why it ...
Bằng Rikimaru's user avatar
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Question regarding the appropriate pronouns for a subject with different "persons" (first, second and third)

Can someone help confirm this for me? I think we can all agree, that when the subject consists of 2 or more persons that are referred to with the 3rd person pronouns, the subject is equivalent to the ...
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How do "attributiv" and "nicht attributiv" work?

Looking at the table for declension of "mein" on Wiktionary, it has separate tables for: - attributiv (vor Substantiv) - nicht attributiv, ohne Artikel - nicht attributiv, mit Artikel Could you ...
Vicky's user avatar
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Is "ein Herz wie das meine" an antiquated or colloquial use of the possesive pronoun?

I am confused by the use of meine in this quote from Die Leiden des jungen Werther Waren nicht meine übrigen Verbindungen recht ausgesucht vom Schicksal, um ein Herz wie das meine zu ängstigen? I ...
Oscar's user avatar
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article used in place of possesive pronoun [duplicate]

I've stumbled on a construction that confused me in Kafka's Die Verwandlung where a definite article is used where I would expect to see a possessive pronoun. wenn er den Kopf ein wenig hob ...
Oscar's user avatar
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Definite article vs. possessive pronoun when indicating actions

What’s the difference between using a definite article and a possessive pronoun to indicate actions (and possibly other things, if applicable)? For example, is there any difference between using die ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Do I need to repeat the possessive pronoun for a second substantive?

If indicating my wife and child, should I say Das sind meine Frau und Kind. or Das sind meine Frau und mein Kind. The second sounds longwinded, while the first sounds more natural, but the ...
Mawg's user avatar
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Using Possessive Articles

Today a friend asked me this question. Machen Ihnen _______(1) Kochkurse(die) spaß, Herr Leichter? - Oh ja, die Teilnehmer haben viel spaß mit ihrem Kollegen und probieren gern ______(2) Gerichte(die)...
user avatar
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Das ist eine unsere Stärken vs unserer Stärken

Das ist eine unsere Stärken. Das ist eine unserer Stärken. Which is correct? And why? Can someone please explain it to me (in English :) Thanks in advance!
Morning Glory's user avatar
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Article with Independent Possessive Pronouns / Artikel mit Possessivpronomen als Nomenvertreter - 'Ist das deine?‘ [duplicate]

I have a question about using Independent Possessive Pronouns. Is it more normal to use 'das' with them regardless of the gender of the item, or should you use the correct definite article or pronoun? ...
sonicquestion's user avatar
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Warum heißt es »mein Lebtag« und nicht »meinen Lebtag«?

Beschreibung und Beispiele Der Ausdruck Lebtag wird in der Redewendung »mein / dein / ihr… Lebtag [nicht]« verwendet, um auszudrücken, dass etwas das ganze Leben lang oder bisher noch nie der Fall ...
Philipp's user avatar
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Confusion with seinem and two masculine nouns in the same sentence

Recently, I wrote a short paragraph in German about my son’s visit to the doctor and that he no longer needed a plaster cast for his broken leg. I had a sentence about my son wanting to keep the cast ...
Satish Vasan's user avatar
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Fehler bei B2-Vorbereitung Test [closed]

Ich möchte mich für die B2-Prüfung beim Goethe Institut anmelden und deshalb habe ich neulich ein Buch gekauft, damit ich mich darin üben kann. Gestern sollte ich die folgende Übung lösen. Es ...
Romeo's user avatar
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Where to use or omit possessive adjectives in German vs. English

I have noticed that English tends to use possessive adjectives like "his" in situations for which German would leave them out. For example I would say "er wäscht sich die Hände" rather than "er wäscht ...
odduse_of_language's user avatar
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What kind of possessive pronouns are used after the preposition "mit"?

Das Mädchen isst mit ihrem Großvater. Der Junge schwimmt mit seinen Freundinnen. In these sentences what kind of poessessive pronouns are ihrem and seinen? What about this case: Der Junge ...
Foroogh's user avatar
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Is "Wo ist dein Kamera?" correct? (usage of 'dein/deine')

I have a book which has two statements in a problem: Du wolltest doch photographieren. Wo ist dein Kamera? I thought dein should be changed to deine because Kamera is female. Is the second ...
Chan Kim's user avatar
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possessive articles in a puzzle

I have a puzzle about possessive article here that made me a little confused. There are three dogs Bello, Max and Rex, according to these sentences, Bello is masculine and Max is Feminine, but what ...
Armin's user avatar
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Warum heißt es „ihrer“ und nicht „ihren“?

Gibt es in einer ihrer Familien eine interessante Person wie Mark? Der Dativ ist der Fall und es müsste ihren anstatt ihrer sein, weil Familien Plural ist, oder? Übrigens bin ich nur Niveau A2.1, ...
Ehab's user avatar
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Eine männliche Giraffe und [seine|ihre] Kälber?

Heute habe ich diesen Satz auf meinem Windows 10 Lock Screen gelesen: Interaktionen zwischen einer männlichen Giraffe und seinen Kälbern sind relativ selten. Ist dieser Satz grammatikalisch ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
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When to use sein or ihr?

I am wondering if there is a rule to know when I have to use the possesive pronoun sein or ihr. For instance: Er liebt seine Frau sehr Er liebt ihre Frau sehr How does the meaning change by changing ...
Revolucion for Monica's user avatar
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Anerkannte Klassifikation von Possessivpronomina im Deutschen

Ich unterrichte wieder einmal Deutsch und die Kleinen haben viele Schwierigkeiten mit den Pronomina. Ich lehre gern natürlich und ohne zu viel Grammatik, welche nicht meine Stärke ist, aber ich glaube ...
Ludi's user avatar
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Zweideutige Possessivpronomen?

In diesen Sätzen ist nicht eindeutig was passiert: Erich, der Dieb, und Hans sind in der Kneipe. Erich nimmt seinen Mantel und geht. Wem gehört eigentlich der Mantel, Erich oder Hans? In einigen ...
Beta's user avatar
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When are relative pronouns preferred to possessive pronouns and how common is this?

Question prompted by this sentence from Wikipedia: Nach einem Überfall am 13. Mai 2014 auf einen Stoßtrupp der 7. Infanteriedivision in der Region Chibok wurde beim anschließenden ...
Ronald's user avatar
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How to give the right ending letter in the dative case

I don’t understand which of the ending of sein is right on the following two sentences, and why. Jim baute seine Enkelin eine Sandburg am Strand. Jim baute seiner Enkelin eine Sandburg am ...
Tomas's user avatar
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