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Questions tagged [proper-noun]

Proper nouns (Eigennamen) have some deviations from other nouns (e. g. use of articles). Use this tag for marking questions where this difference is important or you consider it as such.

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2 answers

To use an article or no article for Sachsen, whether the meaning is the state or its people?

Confused with whether to use the article with Sachsen or no article with Sachsen. Sachsen can be the Bundesland or it's people does this makes a difference between using an article or no article? Der ...
John Lamb's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Can street names be normalized to single form?

We are working on an address validation tool for German companies. We want to store thousands of addresses in Germany in a normalized form to compare them more easily. It appears that won't be ...
Ondrej Valenta's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

German possessive "s" or alternate Genitive construction?

On Steam today, there is a sale for Batman games. The sale headline is: Feiern Sie Bruce Waynes Geburtstag What is the "s" on "Waynes"? My assumption is that it is "der ...
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der Montag oder Montag

Zoo: Die Tage der Woche wurden hinsichtlich der Besucheranzahl miteinander verglichen. Der Montag ist an der ersten Stelle. Sollte man in diesem Fall einen Artikel vor "Montag" setzen?
Taman's user avatar
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Why does "Humboldt Forum" not use a hyphen?

Why is it "Humboldt Forum" and not "Humboldt-Forum"? "Humboldt" is not an uninflected adjective like "Pariser" or "Deutscher" is, which would make it ...
EagleFliesBanana's user avatar
2 votes
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Name of Neues Museum

Does the Neues Museum in Berlin actually have a standard name? In German, I see it as "des Neuen Museums", "Im Neuem Museum", "Das Neue Museum", where apparently to me &...
Quora Feans's user avatar
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How does one use prepositions with proper nouns that start with a preposition?

In German-speaking regions, it is not unusual for places (streets, restaurants, hotels, etc.) to bear names starting with a preposition. For example, in Vienna there is a public square named "Am ...
Psychonaut's user avatar
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Gottemeitschi is from which German language?

Gottemeitschi means godmother, but in which German dialect and region? What is the masculine form, plus granduncle, grand aunt, etc? And how do they compare to their high German, or formal, ...
user610620's user avatar
3 votes
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Grammatical Structure of "ins"

Lass uns ins sonnige Griechenland fahren! What excactly is "ins" here? In + das ? We have Griechenland as feminine. Danke!
Maria Partsi's user avatar
2 votes
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Beugung von zusammengesetzten Eigennamen im Genitiv

Wie geht man mit zusammengesetzten Eigennamen (zum Beispiel Vereins- oder Firmennamen) um, wenn sie im Genitiv stehen? Bei normalen Substantiven wird neben der Beugung des Hauptwortes auch der Artikel ...
fbitterlich's user avatar
5 votes
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Are "Tannhäuser" and "Tannenzäpfle" related?

Asking about a great opera (Richard Wagner's Tannhäuser) and a great beer (Rothaus Brewery's Tannenzäpfle). Tannhäuser takes place, in large part, in a forest, but the name is taken from the ...
lemonlemon's user avatar
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Martians are to Mars what Aryans are to? [closed]

"Terran" is to "Terra" what Aryan is to ______? "Venusians" are to "Venus" what Aryan is to ______? This question is about the etymological origin of the ...
user610620's user avatar
2 votes
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Placement of genitive of proper names

Among others exhibiting similar variations, these sentences appear in DWDS: Um eine echte Atmosphäre aus Partikeln und Gas festzuhalten, ist Merkurs Schwerkraft einfach zu schwach. "Wir nehmen ...
user44591's user avatar
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Richtiger Genitiv von Fußverkehr(s)schutzanlagen

Im Rahmen von genderneutraler Sprache würde ich gerne beim Wort 'Fußgängerschutzanlage' Fußgänger mit Fußverkehr ersetzen. Nun bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob es Fußverkehrsschutzanlage oder ...
e-shirt's user avatar
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Articles with heavenly bodies

This is yet another case where English and German don't seem to agree on when to use a definite article. There were two similar recent questions on the same theme: When to use a definite article with '...
RDBury's user avatar
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Hat die Verwendung des bestimmten Artikels in "die Ukraine" eine politische Konnotation?

Auf Englisch gibt es bei der Wahl zwischen "Ukraine" und "the Ukraine" politische Konnotationen. Zum Beispiel, siehe dieses Artikel auf the conversation (auf Englisch). Auf ...
gerrit's user avatar
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Servus miteinander, könnte mir jemand bitte erklären, wie die adjektive der Länder bestimmt werden? Gibt es eine Regel dazu? Beispiele: England > englisch Irland > irisch ... aber ... ...
Enrique's user avatar
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Engelmacher means someone who helps with abortions?

Does the German word of "Angelmaker" mean someone who helps with abortions? How did that come about historically. If so, how would this word classify, specifically. Double entendre, idiom, ...
user610620's user avatar
7 votes
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Definite articles before countries [duplicate]

Is Geneva a city in Switzerland or in Austria? T: Ist Genf eine Stadt in der Schweiz oder in Österreich? Why is there a "der" before Schweiz but not before Österreich? Secondly, perhaps ...
Brian's user avatar
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Modern short-form German names for boys and girls [closed]

Gion is a short-form name for Johannes, a boy's name. What are other examples for German, Austrian or Swiss boys and girls?
user610620's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

How can I deal with "Eigennamen" when they conflict with the grammar of the sentence?

Imagine a street being named "Alte Straße". Which of the following sentences is correct? "Ein Haus in der Alten Straße" "Ein Haus in der Alte Straße" The first one ...
MechMK1's user avatar
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7 answers

German proper name or funny paraphrase for a slightly stupid dragon (Zmey Gorynych)

I’m trying to translate a sci-fi novel from Russian to German as a new hobby. Sometimes there are expressions which allude to cultural references which do not exist in German. In general, the novel’s ...
Photon's user avatar
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In/Im [City Name]

I would like to write this sentence: What happened in New York in 2001.09.11. Which one of the following is the correct one? Was ist am 11. September 2001 in New York passiert? Was ist am 11. ...
Matthias's user avatar
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Authoritative source for apostrophe rule in adjectives from names (Gauß’sche, gaußsche, but not Gaußsche)?

Most sources I can find state that under current spelling rules, adjectives formed from proper names should either keep the capital letter and use an apostrophe, or else have lowercase but no ...
PLL's user avatar
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Job title of an owner of income-generating real estate properties?

If an individual (in no way incorporated nor employing other staff) owns several properties in a city in their own name, and lives off collecting rent from residential as well as commercial tenants in ...
user610620's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

In der VAE oder in den VAE?

Ich bin nicht sicher, ob man auf Deutsch "in der" oder "in den" vor VAE schreibt. Ich dachte, dass es Plural Dativ ist, und dass man "den" schreiben soll, aber danach ...
P. Vowk's user avatar
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13 votes
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Weißrussland vs. Belarus

Throughout my life I only heard the term "Weißrussland" for the country in Eastern Europe. I knew that the former GDR used a different term and I learned the English word Belarus, but I ...
J Fabian Meier's user avatar
1 vote
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schweizerisch, Schweizer oder Schweizerin? [duplicate]

In meinem Kursbuch habe ich einen Text gelesen und da steht Folgendes: „Eine Schweizer Journalistin“. Warum nicht „eine Schweizerin Journalistin“, wenn das Wort weiblich ist? Man sagt Schweizerin, nur ...
alwayslearning's user avatar
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In German Language, can someone refer to a country as "sie" or "er" in second person singular? [duplicate]

Example: Deutschland ist 357 375 km² groß. Er/sie hat 16 Bundesländer. So my question is, what is the correct pronoun to use in that context, is it "er" or "sie" ?
user8139417's user avatar
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No 's' after male name in genitive case? [duplicate]

In the following phrase "Die Leiden des jungen Werther" des jungen Werther is in genitive case, according to the rule masculine nouns get an s. So why isn't it "Die Leiden des jungen Werthers" ?
some_math_guy's user avatar
6 votes
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Wie lauten die Einwohnerbezeichnungen (Demonyme) von Orten mit bestimmtem Artikel?

Es gibt Orte mit bestimmten Artikeln und attributiven Adjektiven, z.B. le Havre, le Locle, den Haag, la Chaux-de-Fonds, Buenos Aires usw. Es ist mir schwierig die richtigen Demonyme für die Einwohner ...
Beta's user avatar
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Deutsches oder deutsches Reich?

wie Hitler ein riesiges Deutsches Reich in Europa aufbauen wollte und.. Was ist der Grund dafür, deutsch mit einem Großbuchstaben zu schreiben? Ist Deutsch ein Adjektiv oder nicht? Steckt dahinter ...
M.Arya's user avatar
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Von Eigennamen abgeleitete Inhaltswörter

Aus dem Englischen kennt man den Ausdruck serendipity für einen glücklichen Zufallsfund, den Horace Walpole von Serendip, einer alten Bezeichnung für das heutige Sri Lanka, abgeleitet hat. (Wikipedia) ...
David Vogt's user avatar
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"Das arme Gretchen" oder "Die arme Gretchen"?

Soweit ich weiß, man kann sagen „Das arme Gretchen“ oder „Die arme Gretchen“1 (im Singular, nicht im Plural). Welcher Artikel ist gewöhnlicher? The Philosophy of Grammar, von Otto Jespersen, 1924, p. ...
sumelic's user avatar
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Why is the regional distribution of "China" and "Kina" in contrary to the general regional phonetic pattern?

According to the general regional pattern would China be called "China" in the South while "Kina" in the North, as well as the distribution of "ich" and "ik".
wodemingzi's user avatar
11 votes
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What transcription system from Japanese used ÿ?

In a German map from the late 40's (my guess, judging from the nations and borders) of East Asia, the island of Miyakojima is transcribed Mÿako. What transcription system is this? I know the Japanese ...
leo's user avatar
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Why are some countries ending with -ia in English written -ien in German while some are not?

For example India is Indien, Serbia is Serbien, Saudi Arabia is Saudi Arabien. However, some other countries are written as is: Malaysia, Namibia. My questions are: Why is Latin -ia written as -ien ...
MAKZ's user avatar
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Should proper nouns be declined in german?

Recently I came across a text referring to an article on the newspaper "Der Spiegel" as "Ein Artikel aus dem Spiegel". This had me confused. Being under the impression that "Der Spiegel" is simply the ...
Bar Alon's user avatar
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Deklinieren von Titeln von Büchern und Filmen [duplicate]

Ist Deklinieren von Titeln von Büchern und Filmen im Deutschen üblich? Denn in meiner Sprache würde ich einen Titel deklinieren, wenn das möglich ist. Zum Beispiel im Quizduell vom 9. März (Das Erste, ...
Andra's user avatar
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Is Afghanistan really the 8th most used proper noun in German? (Leipzig/BYU Corpus)

Sorry for the click bait title - I'm assuming Afghanistan is not the 8th most used proper noun in German. However it's listed as such in what appears to be one of the most popular German frequency ...
George Hawkins's user avatar
7 votes
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How do you pronounce 'René', a German male given name, in German?

I have to transcribe a German male's name into another language. His name is written 'René', as in 'René Descartes', except it's a German first name. My German knowledge is very shallow, so I'd like ...
karakchi73's user avatar
5 votes
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Warum haben Stadtnamen keine Artikel?

Bei vielen Namen können Artikel benutzt werden, z.B.: Darf ich vorstellen: das ist der Michael. In Asien liegt der Himalaya. Auch wenn man den Artikel im ersten Satz weglassen könnte, ist er ...
user avatar
12 votes
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What is the origin of the "-ingen" suffix in town names in Europe, particularly Germany?

Quite a few villages, towns and cities have their name ending in -ingen: Sigmaringen, Singen, Villingen-Schwenningen (combo), Donaueschingen, Memmingen, Tübingen, Überlingen, Uhldingen. I could go on ...
drolex's user avatar
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What are the German equivalents of “First World War”, “World War I”, and “WWI”?

I’ve been trying to translate some Wikipedia articles into German and some of the time, the article is related to one of the world wars. Usually, I translate this as Erster Weltkrieg or Zweiter ...
Lisa's user avatar
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Korrekte Genitivform bei Vereinsnamen, die einen Ort enthalten

In meiner Familie ist diese Frage letztens anhand einer Pressemitteilung aufgetaucht. Um jedoch die Anonymität aller Beteiligten zu wahren, und niemanden an den Pranger zu stellen, habe ich als ...
Jan's user avatar
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Ist eine Stiftung Eigentümer oder Eigentümerin?

Ich bin gerade über einen Text gestolpert, in dem ein übereifriger Blogger die weibliche Form für die Mozilla Foundation verwendet: Die gemeinnützige Stifterin ist Eigentümerin der Firefox-...
dervonnebenaan's user avatar
4 votes
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Where should the Dative object be placed when it is a proper name?

I know that there are a variety of situations in which the dative and accusative objects can be placed differently. As far as I know, the following sentences are correct: Ich gebe ihm das Buch. ...
Insomnia's user avatar
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Warum ersetzt man in manchen Fällen »ä« durch »ae«?

Laut meinem Assimil-Lehrbuch soll die Ersetzung von ä durch die Kombination ae stattgefunden haben, weil die früheren Schreibmaschinen nicht über den Buchstaben ä verfügten. Diese Erklärung scheint ...
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
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How to say ‘son of X’ in German?

Let’s say for example that my father is called Karl. Ich bin Sohn von Karl. Ich bin der Sohn von Karl. Ich bin der Sohn von dem Karl. Sounds fair enough but it uses the von + dative as genitive, ...
Bregalad's user avatar
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Does German language capitalise school subjects? [duplicate]

I don't know anything about German language, but something in a book I'm reading now just makes me wonder if there is such a distinction between German and English. So I'm reading about the Austrian-...
Vim's user avatar
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