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Questions tagged [swiss-german]

Schweizer Mundart (Schweizerdeutsch) - Questions on the dialect spoken in Switzerland. For differences in grammar, orthography, or punctuation use the tag swiss-standard-german.

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3 answers

How would a native Swiss say "Is the car still available?"

I am suspecting that a car dealership in Switzerland was not being honest when they told me the car was sold as soon as it was put up for sale. My suspicion is that they don't want to deal with a ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Können als Helvetismus? [closed]

Guten Abend Ich bin Finne und ich mag Helvetismen. In meinen Helvetismen-Notizen gibt es eine Markierung über dem Wort „mögen“, aber ich konnte das nicht weder finden noch durch Duden oder DWDS ...
fundament's user avatar
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What's the difference between annehmen and akzeptieren?

This is the example: They will not accept your registration. I have used akzeptieren. Sie werden deine Anmeldung nicht akzeptieren. Translator shows: Nehmen sie Ihre Anmeldung nicht an. As a ...
Noisha Studieren's user avatar
3 votes
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Bedeutung des Wortes "stossend" im Schweizer Hochdeutsch

Die Neue Zürcher Zeitung schreibt in einem Kommentar zur erzwungenen Übernahme der Credit Suisse durch die UBS Dass die neue UBS staatsnaher denn je erscheint, hat auch juristische Gründe. Der Bund ...
Paul Frost's user avatar
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How to spell the days of the week in Swiss German? [closed]

Came across a timetable that gives some of the days of the week in Swiss German spelling. How to spell the entire week? Please include which dialect you're spelling in in your answer, or provide all ...
user610620's user avatar
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What is a "Seelsmeeting"?

After missing my call, a Swiss insurance worker texted me that they are in a "Seelsmeeting". When translating this word on Google it says Souls meeting or Spiritual meeting, which makes no ...
user610620's user avatar
4 votes
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Gottemeitschi is from which German language?

Gottemeitschi means godmother, but in which German dialect and region? What is the masculine form, plus granduncle, grand aunt, etc? And how do they compare to their high German, or formal, ...
user610620's user avatar
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1 answer

Is the word "isch" only Swiss-German?

ig bi Kafka und Kafka isch mi Swiss people replace the German word ist (is) with isch, like in the example above, but is this exclusive to their country, or just specific German-speaking cantons? ...
user610620's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Why do people in central Switzerland say "Grüzach" instead of Grüezi?

Grüezi is the most common greeting in Switzerland. However, each canton has its own dialect making verbal speech (and local spellings) different in different parts of the country. In central ...
user610620's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

What does "besänftigt" mean? [closed]

besänftigt translates to "mollified", which is a word seldom used in English. What does this word besänftigt really mean
user610620's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Ist der Gebrauch von [æ] (bzw. Ä) im Schweizerdeutschen ungewöhnlich?

In schweizerdeutschen Dialekten wird das Zeichen [æ] des Internationalen Phonetischen Alphabets (bzw. der Buchstabe Ä in alltäglicher Verschriftlichung) oft für einen Laut wie in den folgenden ...
mach's user avatar
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What does "5 Jugendliche im Ausgang" mean?

Google translate says that it means "5 teenagers in exit", which makes no sense. What does "5 Jugendliche im Ausgang" really mean? Context: It's the title of a Swiss-German ...
user610620's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Numbers in Swiss-German dialects

Read somewhere that the numbers 2 and 3 are "zwoi" and "drüü" in some Swiss-German dialect as opposed to "zwei" and "drei" in high German. Not sure which one ...
user610620's user avatar
0 votes
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»geliefert« vs. »weggeschickt« vs. »angekommen«

Suppose someone sent me some item. It was supposed to be delivered by now but it is undelivered. When complaining about that, I want to say: “I am here to complain about non- delivered items.” Can I ...
Noisha Studieren's user avatar
-4 votes
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What does lozärner mean?

There's a word that's spelled as "Lüzerner", but what is lozärner supposed to mean and how is it different? How is their pronunciation different?
user610620's user avatar
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What are the various Swiss dialects for Guten Abend and other day greetings?

Swiss people were heard saying Guten Abend as "Gütte Oppa" in one part of the country. How is the Swiss-German spelling for this actually, and what are the various ways the different Swiss ...
user610620's user avatar
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The name of the flower forget-me-not in Swiss-German?

Does the flower forget-me-not have the same name and spelling in Swiss-German as in German?
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What are the family names on Swiss houses called?

In rural areas of Switzerland, owners of houses put their surname on the front of the house. What is this wooden name-sign called in English and German, and what is this custom and the act of doing it ...
user610620's user avatar
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Aren't «...» quotation marks more of a German thing than they are Swiss?

Someone wrote that typographic conventions in Switzerland, like the usage of «...» instead of „...“ as quotation mark, sets them apart from German press. Aren't «...» quotation marks more of a German ...
user610620's user avatar
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What Swiss idioms are there that Germans wouldn't know of?

Germans have alot of strange (and un-humorous) sayings that almost every German has heard before, but no one else outside of Germany. For example, "(K)Einen Elefanten aus einer Mücke machen" ...
user610620's user avatar
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Dialect that voices "achtzig" as "achtlig" or "achtling"

About 25 years ago I was traveling in a remote part of Graubünden, Switzerland, and I noticed at a kiosk that the elderly woman behind the counter voiced multiples of ten as ending in "lig" ...
Diogenes Creosote's user avatar
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übernèè : where does this double 'è' ending derive from?

I came across the word 'übernèè' in a pocket dictionary which is Swiss German for 'übermannen' or 'übernehmen'. Is this 'nèè' ending common in Swiss German? Is there any way to anticipate it, in that ...
cheznead's user avatar
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"Salü" vs "Sali" greeting in Switzerland

Often hear Swiss people say "Sali" which I think means salutations, a common informal greeting. But just found out someone writing "Salü" for the same meaning, which looks like it'...
user610620's user avatar
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Kreis (district) underlying meaning in Switzerland

Zürich is a Swiss city split into 12 districts, Kreis 1 to Kreis 12. It seems like Zürich people like to identify themselves as belonging to a specific district when introducing themselves to other ...
user610620's user avatar
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3 answers

Why do the Swiss end common expressions with "Wohl/voll"?

Often you can hear expressions like "Danke [something] wohl", "ja, wohl" or "[other common greetings followed by] wohl" or it might be "voll". What does this ...
user610620's user avatar
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Why do the Swiss pronounce Schweiz "Schweez"?

Die Schweiz means Switzerland. "Ei" is pronounced "eye" in German, which means Schweiz should be pronounced "Schw-eye-z". However, the Swiss pronounce their country "...
user610620's user avatar
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3 answers

ins vs zum Krankenhaus

My sentence is this: Because of this reason, I have to visit the hospital often with her. I wrote: Aus diesem Grund muss ich mit ihr zum Krankenhaus häufig besuchen. When I used translator, it ...
Noisha Studieren's user avatar
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2 answers

How to ask to view an apartment for rent? [closed]

"Kann ich machen ein besichtigungstermin?" automatically receives a response in English because the other party has figured out the one asking the question is not a German speaker. What is ...
user610620's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

When we will use "Halli-Hallo" Word?

I have a question regarding the German word Halli-Hallo. Wann benutzen wir dieses Wort: Halli-Hallo
joki3's user avatar
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Swiss appartment application: "Mitbewerber" vs "Solidarhafter"?

What is the difference between Mitbewerber and Solidarhafter? Google translate says "competitor" and "more solidarity", which neither make any sense. And why is there no option ...
user610620's user avatar
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adjektiv and komparativ lieber

Comparative form is lieber. This is how we study usually : gern, lieber, am liebsten On this site , it's given: lieb, ...
Noisha Studieren's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is it normal that the "ä" is pronounced this way in this word? (Swiss German)

I came across the Swiss German word Gitzitrichäli (I couldn't find the meaning of it anywhere). In my head I always the "ä" as a short vowel and thus thought of it as being either [ɛ] or [e]....
embedded_dev's user avatar
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How to use Praeteritum sollten in Indikativ and Konjunctiv?

I know the meaning of Indikativ and Konjunctiv II through forum answers. Sorry, I don't have link now. As per what I have read about the difference is : Indikativ is something real and in present. ...
Noisha Studieren's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Will someone fail the Test DAF exam because of having a swiss accent?

I started to learn Dutch and Schweizerdeutsch (swiss german) simultaneously and I found that the way I speak german in general has changed in terms of pronounciation and in next november I will have ...
der Erhascher's user avatar
10 votes
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How to say decimal numbers in Swiss German?

For example how to say 3.5 (three point five)? Is it like Deutsch drei komma fünf?
Marc Iskander's user avatar
4 votes
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Why "Guet Nacht!" instead of "Gueti Nacht!" in Schweizerdeutsch

I often hear "Guet Nacht!" in the evening, whereas I would expect "Gueti Nacht!" as Nacht is feminine. How so?
ndou's user avatar
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Zusammenhang zwischen "Rappen" und "berappen"?

Hat denn die kleinste schweizerische Währungseinheit "der Rappen" etwas mit dem Verb "berappen" (ugs. für bezahlen) zu tun? Ich finde für beide Wörter sehr vage und auch teilweise stark voneinander ...
tofro's user avatar
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Was bedeutet binden? [closed]

Ich habe gerade den 3. Aufzug von Friedrich Schillers Drama "Wilhelm Tell" gelesen. In Vers 2068 wird Tell gebunden. Was bedeutet dies (und warum)? Quelle:
zvavybir's user avatar
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Was ist damit gemeint: "Das schleckt keine Geiss weg!"

Unsere Politiker überbieten sich mit blumigen Phrasen! Es vergeht keine Parlamentssitzung, in der nicht am Schluss seines Votums seinen Worten damit Nachdruck verleihen will: "Das schleckt keine ...
Albrecht Hügli's user avatar
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"Bärefatt" translation

There is a place in Switzerland named "Bärefatt" which seems to be a swiss-german word built with "Bäre" (bear) and "Fatt". I can't find any translation for "Fatt", it looks like it could mean "paw" ...
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What does "blöd" mean in Swiss German?

I heard many times "Das ist blöd" in various contexts in Switzerland. For example: Parent to child about some minor thing. Waiter in restaurant to parents about putting the pushchair at some location ...
ron's user avatar
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What does "Ich han zwei Hölzigi dihei" mean?

Asking for a friend, could not figure it out. Context: It was spoken in Swiss German
lmaooooo's user avatar
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Who is the other person?

This question, about the greeting "Grüß Gott!" got me thing about "Grüezi mitenand" ... Who is the other person supposed to be, if people greet me that way when I am alone, y'all? (maybe it's God? :-...
Mawg's user avatar
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Sind in Österreich und der Schweiz „riechen“ und „schmecken“ Synonyme?

Ich glaube, ein paar mal gehört zu haben, dass Köche bei Kochsendungen (u.Ä.) gesagt haben, etwas habe gut gerochen, wenn sie das Aroma bzw. den Geschmack von dem, was sie gerade gegessen haben, ...
Jampot's user avatar
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Working in Switzerland. Will my german be enough? [closed]

The past two three days i am searching through forums for differences and difficulties between German and Swiss German. My situation is: I am from Greece and I want to work as physiotherapist in ...
theodor's user avatar
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Was ist »Schweizerdeutsch«?

In ganz Deutschland und bestimmt auch in ganz Österreich ist bekannt, dass in der Schweiz Dialekte mit hohem Wiedererkennungswert gesprochen werden. Wer diesen Dialekt nachmachen will, reduziert ei ...
Jan's user avatar
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Berndeutsches Sprichwort – Bedeutung?

In einem berndeutschen Song habe ich folgendes Sprichwort gehört: We nid wosch das d’Miuch suur wird de lasch se gschider i der Chue. Die Übersetzung lautet etwa: Wenn du nicht willst, dass die ...
dsafa's user avatar
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What does “jenste” mean?

I read jenste occasionally in Swiss newspapers, which is consistent with the fact that classifies the word as schweiz. I see that it means “many” but is there more to it? Does it have a ...
ste's user avatar
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Swiss German: origin of gsi (gewesen)

Swiss German speakers use gsi in place of gewesen. What is the origin of gsi? Was there ever a old form gesein that sounds like gsi in the dialect? (my amateur opinion)
philshem's user avatar
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9 answers

How easy/difficult is it for a native German speaker to understand Swiss German? [closed]

Assuming she has never had any experience with it before. Would it be mostly comprehensible? Or mostly unintelligible? Or in between? Edit: I am referring to the Swiss German dialects (Schwyzerdütsch)...
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