I am a beginner and so far I have learn about statement, yes-no question, w- question, command but this kind of text seem very strange though I somehow get what it say. > Nudeln kochen, Schinken in Streifen schneiden, Zwiebel und Tomaten in Würfel schneiden, Zwiebeln in einer Pfanne anbraten. since it's a recipe how to cook a dish. I assume that it should be written in command structure which can be translate > Cook noodles. Slice ham. Cut onion and tomatoes into cubes. Roast onions in a pan. However, it isn't written in the form of command I have learned. Usually, verb must take 1<sup>st</sup> position then the subject and the object after that but in that text, subject is omitted and object come 1<sup>st</sup> then the verb. And some how it use many comma to write only one sentence instead of dot to write many sentences. Is it ok to do that. What's the problem with writing each clause into a sentence in this case?