Living in Germany I almost exclusively hear "*Marmelade*" for any spread made of fruits including *"Erdbeermarmelade"*, *"Himbeermarmelade"*, *"Aprikosenmarmelade"* and so on. Only rarely I also hear *"Konfitüre"* or, living in Swabia of course *"Gsälz"*. 

Surprisingly when going out shopping this is completely different. We do not seem to have any *"Marmelade"* here! Instead there is a variety of *"Konfitüren"* or even a *"Fruchtaufstrich"*. The latter is something I only read from labels on the jars but is seems never to be used anywhere else.

Is there a difference in the meaning from spoken to written German? Are there rules when to use "*Marmelade"*, *"Konfitüre"*, or *"Fruchtaufstrich"*? What would I ask for in a German hotel?