as I understand it there are two different words for "how fast an object is moving" in English:

 - *velocity*, tells you how the x,y,z (in 3 dimensions) coordinates of an object change over time. It's a vector quantity, hence has direction and magnitude. For example

 <a href="\begin{pmatrix}&space;2\\&space;3\\&space;5&space;\end{pmatrix}&space;m/s" target="_blank"><img src="\begin{pmatrix}&space;2\\&space;3\\&space;5&space;\end{pmatrix}&space;m/s" title="\begin{pmatrix} 2\\ 3\\ 5 \end{pmatrix} m/s" /></a>

 - *speed*, tells you how fast the object covers distance. It's a scalar quantity with no direction. For example 

 <a href="\left&space;\|&space;\begin{pmatrix}&space;2\\&space;3\\&space;5&space;\end{pmatrix}&space;\right&space;\|&space;\approx&space;6.2&space;m/s" target="_blank"><img src="\left&space;\|&space;\begin{pmatrix}&space;2\\&space;3\\&space;5&space;\end{pmatrix}&space;\right&space;\|&space;\approx&space;6.2&space;m/s" title="\left \| \begin{pmatrix} 2\\ 3\\ 5 \end{pmatrix} \right \| \approx 6.2 m/s" /></a>

Do you distinguish between the vector / scalar quantity in German too? I only know the word "Geschwindigkeit" and I think it's used in both cases. Is there another word that only describes either "speed" or "velocity"?