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Hubert Schölnast
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I don't understand the following sentence because of the genitiv "der Tageseinnahmen"

So I'm going through my German textbook, and today's lesson is as follows: (my problem is in paragraph 3, so you could directly skip to that paragraph if you wish)

1 Der Überfall auf eine Tankstelle in Heiden, bei dem der Täter 5.200 Mark erbeutet hat, ist aufgeklärt.

2 Der Räuber hatte - wie berichtet - den allein anwesenden Tankstellenpächter mit einem Revolver bedroht

3 und zur Herausgabe der Tageseinnahmen gezwungen.

The meaning of the 3rd paragraph should be "and forced him to hand over the day's takings".

But I'm confused because I don't understand what "der Tageseinnahmen" indicates, it should literally translate to "of the daily takings", but I can't figure out what possesses the daily takings.

I've thought of the idea that "der Tageseinnahmen" means "takings of the day", but then I'm not sure if this is correct. Can anyone here help? I'm seriously confused. Thanks a lot!!!