»Mitfeiern« means »celebrate with someone else« and it can be used with any grammatical person. If you want to translate it into one english word, you best think of something like *co-celebrate*, in a similar meaning as *co-exist* or *co-work*. > Ich würde gerne mit euch mitfeiern. > I would like to celebrate with you. (plural-you) > > Ich würde gerne mit dir mitfeiern. > I would like to celebrate with you. (singular-you) > > Du kannst gerne mit uns mitfeiern. > You are welcome to celebrate with us. > > Möchte deine Frau auch mit uns mitfeiern? > Does your wife also want to celebrate with us? > > Hast du gehört? Hans hätte auch gerne mit Sabine und Ilse mitgefeiert. > Did you hear? Hans also would have liked to celebrate with Sabine ans Ilse. btw: In your example you did not translate the sentence correctly. This is a translation, that is closer to the original meaning: > Schade, dass wir nicht mitfeiern können. > Shame, that we can't celebrate with whoever is celebrating. (The context of the german sentence doesn't tell you who is celebrating. It could be *you*, or it could also be *them*) > Shame we can’t be there to celebrate with you. > Schade, dass wir nicht dort sein können um mit dir/euch zu feiern. (The english context doesn't make clear, if you is singular or plural)