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Handschrift - handwriting

3 votes

Handschrift entziffern

Ich denke, #1 ist "Hamburg" #3 "z. Zt. Kassel", "z. Hd." passt hier gar nicht
guidot's user avatar
  • 29.6k
6 votes

What is this symbol for a small weight?

Best hypothesis: it is an amount specification by value, since the Pfennig symbol (Wikipedia, especially the graphic Pfennigzeichen at the end of the article), looks very similar. So the meaning woul …
guidot's user avatar
  • 29.6k
3 votes

Help Identify the name of the Hessen-Cassel Grenadier Company 1786

I would say the incomplete word means Flügel See Wikipedia, but I can't recognize the reason for the second L.
guidot's user avatar
  • 29.6k
2 votes

1798 German handwriting Translation Help

This is a tough question. I address the first picture: Zugleich will so [name?] melden, daß ein Carabinier Beeker und ein Husar Leimann, beijde [] General Schreibers Escadron an einem [] krank und le …
guidot's user avatar
  • 29.6k
4 votes

Why does Gauß' signature have no ß?

You wrongly assume, that handwriting rules and conventions were unmodified since Gauß, which is not the case. …
guidot's user avatar
  • 29.6k
6 votes

German handwriting recognition

Seems like: Bergneustadt/Rhld. (abbr. for Rheinland), Lörracherstr. 33 to me.
guidot's user avatar
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2 votes

1st phrase. Help me please to read old german writings?

My best guess is: Alter ..., gekauft (ge..ft pretty certain) in Würzburg im (Name des Geschäfts, Hertie?), 1912 translating to "Old (possibly name of the clock type, picture of whole item would …
guidot's user avatar
  • 29.6k
2 votes

German equivalent for "look and feel"

I personally consider terms as look and feel somewhat overrated, and assume, they would not be half as popular if they did not consist of snappy monosyllabic words which are known to everyone. Especia …
guidot's user avatar
  • 29.6k
7 votes

German sentence - handwriting to translate to English

The handwriting is outright awful, so that without additional context information no doubtfree answer will be provided. … I'm providing an answer nevertheless to allow modification by more experienced handwriting decoders. My guess: Bitte Doni, das Hass [Haus?] xxx xxx soll für deine Tochter bleiben. …
guidot's user avatar
  • 29.6k