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Übersetzungen vom Englischen ins Deutsche – Questions on translations from English to German

2 votes

How to translate the idiom - "at the bottom of the food chain" into german :)

Depending on the context, ganz unten/niedrig in der Hackordnung may fit. It refers to somebody or something ranking lowest in some hierarchy. Literally it means at the bottom end of the pecking order. …
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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20 votes

PhD thesis defense in German: Rigorosum, Disputation, Kolloquium, or Verteidigung?

First beware that this is a typical case of academia varies more than you think it does. There is no general rule on how doctoral exams are done; instead, this is decided by the faculty. As a conseque …
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2 votes

"trespass" in fewer than nine words or 17 syllables

Legally, the English trespass to land and the German Hausfriedensbruch are mostly analogous: You unlawfully and intentionally enter another’s land. So, technically Hausfriedensbruch would be an accept …
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7 votes

German equivalent of “I pulled a [name]”

I have two suggestions: Ich machte den/die [Name] (mit ihm/ihr). for example: Ich machte die Clinton. To give a specific example: Den Guttenberg machen would either be plagiarising someth …
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8 votes

How to translate “window switching” in the context of compression algorithms?

In my experience from a neighbouring field, window in this sense is generally translated to Fenster in German, which is confirmed, e.g., by the German Wikipedia article on Fensterfunktion. Going from …
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17 votes

German idiom for "in so.'s infinite wisdom"

In seiner unendlichen Weisheit is correct and idiomatic, i.e., it is actually used by native speakers. However, there are two other idiomatic alternatives you might want to consider: In seiner nicht …
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5 votes

How to say “to be stuck with a problem”?

Consider sich an etwas die Zähne ausbeißen. It means that you are failing to solve some problem despite putting a lot of effort in it. Literally, it means to bite out one’s own teeth. (I always associ …
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6 votes

How to translate "West North Central States" (U.S.) to German?

I would employ the term Mittlerer Westen (the Midwest) for the North Central States because that’s a term that is often used in German media and similar. Thus, for the West North Central States, you w …
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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6 votes

In an academic context, does the German “Artikel” mean the same as the English “article” or ...

Having spent some time in academia now and having talked to many German academians, I am pretty convinced that there is no German word matching the English paper or article (which do not mean exactly …
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5 votes

How to translate “mountain studies” or “island studies”?

The central problem is how to translate the respective disciplines. The most common ways to denote a discipline are: [Corresponding Latin word] + -istik. [Corresponding Greek word] + -logie. [Corres …
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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17 votes

“Especially because” in German

A somewhat more free translation would involve not using a subclause: […], gerade nach dem kalten Winter. […], insbesondere angesichts des kalten Winters. [rather formal] […], erst recht nach dem kal …
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2 votes

How to best translate “The Immolator”?

If this is about the nickname of a criminal (like der Vampir von Düsseldorf – the vampire of Düsseldorf), a possible German adaption of the name would be Feuerteufel. I would not go as far as calling …
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1 vote

Unterschied zwischen "asiatischer Amerikaner" und "Amerikaner asiatischer Herkunft"

Vorweg: Als Amerikaner, Asiate, amerikanisch bzw. asiatisch verstehe ich jemanden, der langfristig auf dem Kontinent lebt oder lebte oder eine entsprechende Staatsbürgerschaft hat, und so verwende ich …
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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7 votes

How do you say "handwavy proof" in German?

Depending on the nature of the handwaving, one of the following may fit: Ein salopper Beweis – It’s what I prefer to use in such a situation, though I usually apply it to certain steps of a proof an …
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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9 votes

Übersetzung von „Corporatocracy“ als politischer Begriff?

Da das Wort corporatocracy selbst auf den englischen Varianten eines lateinischen (corporatio) und griechischen Wortes (krátos, κράτος) beruht, liegt es nahe deren deutschen Varianten zu benutzen, wom …
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