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Übersetzungen – Questions on issues with translating from or into German. Use with care as these questions are very likely to be closed as a translation request, which would be off topic. Don't use this tag on phrase requests or proverb analogies.

0 votes

How do you say “What is the distance from the neck to the top of the hem?” in German?

In principle @Lilium is correct, but tailoring has its own specific vocabulary in German. It is quite conceivable that for exactly this measurement there is a certain word (which i wouldn't know). Not …
bakunin's user avatar
  • 12.1k
0 votes

How to translate "ernsten Oper" in Nietzsche

Sorry, but to clarify that we need to establish some historical context first. The meaning of this single word cannot be "translated" without explaining the (cultural and music-historical) background …
bakunin's user avatar
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2 votes

Translation of a Line in a Poem

The following attempt at translation lacks any poetic value but tries to preserve the meaning of the original: Our live is like the journey of a wanderer at night, Who hasn't thought in dire times about … If it does, I suggest you use that instead of my translation. …
bakunin's user avatar
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3 votes

„Ein bisschen Kleber und das wird schon“

"Schon" - like "doch" and similar words - acts as a Modalpartikel (mood particle?) here. The whole phrase is set and an Ellipse (ellipsis). although, as @guidot points out, DWDS has different opinion …
bakunin's user avatar
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7 votes

How can I explain "heimatdamisch"?

A native english-speaker can perhaps shed more light on this, to me a good translation would be "enthralled". …
bakunin's user avatar
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2 votes

Frage über eine Übersetzung von Celan: die/der/das Wache(n)?

Das Nomen "Wache" kann mehrere Bedeutungen haben, bei denen es auch das Genus wechseln kann: die Wache Ist entweder die Tätigkeit, (herumzustehen und) auf etwas aufzupassen oder derjenige, der diese …
bakunin's user avatar
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2 votes

„It makes him feel good/bad/uneasy/etc": Was ist die beste Weise, so etwas auszudrücken?

Zunächst sollte ein (weit verbreiteter) Irrtum geklärt werden, der hier (make -> machen) ebenfalls vorliegt: das englische "to make" ist zwar dieselbe Wortwurzel wie das deutsche "machen", aber man ka …
bakunin's user avatar
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1 vote

Riesendurchfall - idiomatic meaning?

"Durchfall" has (at least) two distinct meanings in German: the common one is "diarrhea", as has been already meantioned. The second one is a (spectacularly) failing theatrical piece. Possible transl …
bakunin's user avatar
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4 votes

Is the sentence "Er trifft seine Mitbewohner im Café jeden Tag" wrong ? Why?

Most of your questions have already been answered satisfactorily, but i would like to expand on your last point: What would a German think -in terms of literacy and so- when they hear the sentence E …
bakunin's user avatar
  • 12.1k
9 votes

Accurate translation of 'bruised'? 'Verletzt' does not seem correct

Falls es ein Adjektiv (in dem Fall: eine adjektivische Phrase) als Übersetzung für bruised sein soll, so schlage ich grün und blau vor. Das wird - wenigstens dort, wo ich herkomme - als Ausdruck für …
bakunin's user avatar
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19 votes

What is the German word for "arbitrator" - NOT "mediator"!

The institution is usually called "Schiedsgericht", the process "Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit" or "Schiedsverfahren" (see i.e. here: Wikipedia-Link). The persons manning this process are - at least in Wikip …
bakunin's user avatar
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6 votes

How do I translate "take them down with me" into German?

I am not sure if this idiom is used everywhere, but at least in Austria and (as per @planetmaker's comment) Northern Germany "mitnehmen" is used that way: Sie kriegen mich, aber zwei nehme ich mit.Th …
bakunin's user avatar
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-5 votes

WIe übersetzt man am besten "rebuffering"?

Das deutsche Wort "Puffer" oder "puffern" ist mitnichten eine eine Übersetzung für "[to] buffer". So, wie der englische Begriff üblicherweise (und, so legt es die Erklärung nahe, auch hier) gebraucht …
bakunin's user avatar
  • 12.1k
1 vote

„des Leidens herbe Schmach“ - Disgrace or Taste?

Having said this, let us come back to the example at hand: des Leidens herbe Schmach "Schmach" might in some cases be translated with "disgrace", but here the better translation would be "humiliation … To better explain what "Schmach" means, here is another translation: the famous monologue of Hamlet, in the translation of August Wilhelm von Schlegel: The insolence of office and the spurns That patient …
bakunin's user avatar
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0 votes

Was ist ein Zeitkonto?

Das ist Hochdeutsch! Das Ganze ist einfach ein Wortspiel, wo mit dem Wort "Zeitkonto" (das es in anderem Zusammenhang gibt) bzw. "Konto" gespielt wird. "Zeitkonto" ist ein Verbuchungssystem, für Jobs …
bakunin's user avatar
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