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Übersetzungen – Questions on issues with translating from or into German. Use with care as these questions are very likely to be closed as a translation request, which would be off topic. Don't use this tag on phrase requests or proverb analogies.

0 votes

How to translate "best practice"?

Therefore, it is used in a way that is synonymous to "recommended practice", which lends itself to a direct translation: empfohlene Vorgehensweise The problem with using the word "bewährt", as …
O. R. Mapper's user avatar
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7 votes

How do you say “I drove to the mountains” vs “I drove in the mountains”?

The two statements precisely reflect the difference between dative and accusative for certain prepositions (including in) in German: I drove to the mountains indicates a direction/destination …
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5 votes

Übersetzung von "more money than when ..."

Ich habe mehr Geld als, als ich die Arbeit begann. Das klingt tatsächlich merkwürdig, und eigentlich unvollständig. Wie Jan in seiner Antwort richtig bemerkt, ist hier etwas ausgelassen. Ich würde a …
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9 votes

How to translate “items to be approved”?

Zu genehmigende Projektbuchungen is correct as it is. It is a present participle ("genehmigend") combined with "zu" (this combination expresses that something needs to be done), and used like an adj …
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4 votes

"Ein Knopf ist schwer zu drücken." Wie sagt man das?

Zusätzlich zu Stephies Antwort hier zwei weitere Alternativen: eine Taste/ein Knopf ist schwer zu drücken: Eigentlich spricht nichts gegen genau diese Formulierung, die in der Frage bereits auftauch …
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7 votes

German equivalent for ‘location estimation’

As has meanwhile been explained by the OP in a comment, this question is looking for “the location of finger touch”. In other words, this question is asking for how to call the position at which a tou …
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4 votes

"Instead of me" in German

As noted in other answers, you would usually say Könnten Sie bitte das Telefon für mich abnehmen. If you want to sound more formal without using the totally stilted an meiner statt, you can also …
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-2 votes

How to express ‘cliffhanger’ in German

As noted by the other answers, there is no concise truly German term for "cliffhanger", and the imported noun "Cliffhanger" is commonly used (in context - the word is probably unknown to people who ar …
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17 votes

What is "das Schulabschlusszeugnis" in this context?

This seems like a nice translation but it is quite meaningless to me. I just don't know what it means. …
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13 votes

How to translate computer/software logging?

However, the actual German translation of log would be Protokoll. …
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9 votes

Meaning of "5er Handicap"

In this context, a handicap is a term from golf rules. It is denoted by a numerical value, where the lowest values are the most desirable ones and indicate high skill at playing golf. To judge handica …
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1 vote

How would someone say "to pair something up" with someone/something else?

In some contexts, different expressions would be more idiomatic, but the most general ways to express the concept would use one of the following: "Paare bilden" "paarweise <verb that describes combin …
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4 votes

Translation, moods and tenses of “I didn't think it would be so bad”

My personal preference would be: Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass es so schlecht ist. Why ist, not wäre? After the visit, the low quality is known for sure. It is a fact that you are talking about …
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4 votes

Wie sagt man "it's about time"?

It's about time she went home Wenn ich diese Aussage korrekt interpretiere (und Sprachinformationsressourcen wie diese Seite scheinen mir da zuzustimmen), dann bedeutet die obige Aussage nicht zw …
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0 votes

How to tell the difference between "ice" and "ice cream" when the word "Eis" is used?

One way of distinguishing ice cream and ice that I have not yet seen mentioned in the other answers is that ice cream is sometimes listed with its flavour to avoid the ambiguity. This occurs especiall …
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