9 votes

German equivalent titles which use continuous conjugation of verb

German book and movie titles aren't like that. As simple as that. A book titled “Understanding Quantum Mechanics” would be e.g. titled „Einführung in die Quantenmechanik“ in German. Or „Grundlagen der ...
Janka's user avatar
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9 votes

German equivalent titles which use continuous conjugation of verb

Notice that there is a different cultural background at work. Some things are simply done (and said) differently in English and German. Here are some suggestions but keep in mind that a title needs to ...
bakunin's user avatar
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German equivalent titles which use continuous conjugation of verb

I understand your question to be about how to translate the English gerund to German, rather than about how movie titles are translated. In German, the infinite is used. The literal translations of ...
Jonathan Scholbach's user avatar
6 votes

Is this a mistake in DWDS?

"Verborgen" can be an adjective or a verb, with different meanings. While DWDS has one entry for both, Duden has separate entries. (To be more exact, the DWDS entry seems to be for the verb ...
Henning Kockerbeck's user avatar
3 votes

Is this a mistake in DWDS?

Verborgen can be two things that accidentally have the very same writing: The infinitive of a verb verborgen meaning to lend something The past participle of a verb verbergen meaning "hidden&...
tofro's user avatar
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3 votes

zählen vs auszählen

Auszählen means doing the statistics. You don't simply count the votes —8,156— but you account them to one or another candidate —A got 4,427, B got 3,123, C got 599, seven votes void—.
Janka's user avatar
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2 votes

Was bedeutet "oder wie?" als Fragewörter am Satzende?

Ich würde dieses "..., oder wie?" als eine Refrainfrage sehen. Refrainfragen sind kurze Fragen, die an einen Aussagesatz angehängt werden. Ein häufiges Beispiel ist "..., nicht wahr?&...
Henning Kockerbeck's user avatar

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