How to distinguish between long ä and short ä
The rule of thumb about double consonants applies to consonants within the same morpheme. So "Gen" sounds a long e, and so does "Gentechnik", because the n and t belong to different parts of the word, ...
Long vowel quality before R
I'm inclined to answer negatively as far as Standard German is concerned. I know you mentioned Northern Germany, but then again your recording is definitely Standard German.
German vowel contrasts ...
A word with several long vowels?
Vowels such as /o/, /ø/ or /i/ are called long or tense and stand in opposition to /ɔ/, /œ/, /ɪ/, which are called short or lax.* As the chosen IPA symbols indicate, these phonemes differ by quality. ...
A word with several long vowels?
This rule is true for Erbwörter (sorry, I don't know the english term. Maybe "inherited words"?). These are words that are part of German language since it started to exist (how ever you ...
Last "e" sound in schreiben
The word schreiben has a so called Reduktionssilbe. In such syllables, the Schwa is often reduced or even deleted in everyday speech.
reduced Schwa: -e, -em, -es, -est
reduced Tiefschwa: -er, -ern, -...
A word with several long vowels?
As @Roland already said in his comment "Ökologie" is a greek loan word. The greek language has two different kinds of "o", the "small o" and the "large o": ...
Last "e" sound in schreiben
There are two different pronunciations for »schreiben« but non of them contains a vowel in its last syllable. Both contain a vocalized consonant. The two variations are:
When ...
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