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  • Member for 12 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
30 votes

Is there a German equivalent to the saying "to be in love with the sound of one's own voice"?

27 votes

Is there a German equivalent for "self defeating"?

26 votes

What is a good translation of "cancelled" in the context of buses and trains?

25 votes

"which is"-ing a clause in German

23 votes

Is there an antonym for Schadenfreude?

23 votes

How can I say "take your time" in German?

22 votes

Is there a German "Loot Box"?

21 votes

What is the linguistic necessity for the letter 'ß' in German that can't be expressed with 'ss'?

20 votes

Correct word for "unfathomable"?

19 votes

wörtlich - "literally" or intensifier?

18 votes

Why the dative pronoun in "Ich wasche mir die Hände"?

17 votes

Origin of the Bavarian "In oana dua" ("all the time")

17 votes

How do you say "to play Devil's advocate" in German?

16 votes

How does one use the expression »Mich hat’s voll erwischt!«?

15 votes

How to say "eat out", e.g. at a restaurant?

15 votes

Translation of "state" into German (software related)

14 votes

What's the German expression for 'In a nutshell'

14 votes

Is the "zu" necessary?

14 votes

What is the difference between "Zu" and "Auf" in these sentences?

14 votes

How do you say "half the time …, the other half …" in German?

14 votes

What is the best way to say "a large number of [noun]" in German?

13 votes

Why "Integrieren bis Unendlich" but not "bis Unendlichkeit"?

13 votes

How do you pronounce the "g" in "Heiligtum"?

13 votes

Was ist eine "Anmutung" eines Betriebssystems?

12 votes

Mache dich, mein Herze, rein

12 votes

How do you say "I was driving when it happened." seeing as German has no Progressive Tense?

12 votes

Why "Mit Karte" has no article?

12 votes

Accurate translation of 'bruised'? 'Verletzt' does not seem correct

11 votes

Do I need articles in the shopping list?

11 votes

Warum ist "Ich mag Orangen nicht, aber ich mag Äpfel." falsch?

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