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Thorsten Dittmar's user avatar
Thorsten Dittmar's user avatar
Thorsten Dittmar
  • Member for 11 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
41 votes

Difference between "antworten" and "beantworten"

32 votes

Why does "Krabben" mean shrimp?

30 votes

Is "Schmeckt es Sie?" correct?

19 votes

“To not know if…” construct in German

18 votes

Why "Integrieren bis Unendlich" but not "bis Unendlichkeit"?

18 votes

“sollten” in the context of newspaper headlines

18 votes

How to say "now a days..." / "nowadays" in German?

16 votes

How to relay the digits of a phone number?

15 votes

"Sehr geehrte Dame, Sehr geehrter Herr"; mit oder ohne Komma

14 votes

Is 'Grüß Gott' greeting in Bavaria religious-neutral?

14 votes

Wie würde man Dashboard sinngemäß übersetzen

14 votes

meaning of 'zu Viert mehr Platz' in a sentence

13 votes

“Obst”, “Frucht”, “Früchte” – when to use which?

13 votes

Can "da- words" be used for humans as well as objects?

13 votes

What is the English translation for the Hessische Wort "Ger"? (correction "gell")

13 votes

Warum heißt es "jungen Erwachsenen"?

12 votes

Can't see the need/use for "die" in this sentence

12 votes

Woher kommen Begriffe wie "Heidenarbeit" und "Heidenspaß"?

11 votes

"Kontakt" vs. "Impressum"

11 votes

How different is German handwriting from American's?

11 votes

Weshalb spricht man vom "abgesicherten Modus" und nicht vom "sicheren Modus" in der EDV?

10 votes

"Fehlen" weak, "empfehlen" strong. But "finden" and "empfinden" both strong. Cases when [some_verb] conjugates differently from [prefix+some_verb]?

10 votes

Use plural or singular to refer to a »Menge« of something?

10 votes

Ist "exorbitant" heute noch gebräuchlich?

10 votes

Listen and hear, their counterpart in German

10 votes

Druckerfarbe vs Druckfarbe

10 votes

Welche Grammatik ist "weniger falsch"?

10 votes

Should a letter to a future host family be formal or informal?

10 votes

Looking for an idiomatic expression meaning “empty vessels make the most noise”

10 votes

Why dative verb in some cases are used as akkusative?

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