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Kristina's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
30 votes

Is there a German equivalent of "Get out of Jail free card"?

9 votes

Can the subject be in dative rather than in nominative case?

8 votes

Unterschied zwischen „ausreichend” und „hinreichend”

7 votes

Why do Germans often use the Plusquamperfekt instead of (simple) Perfekt when they speak of the past?

7 votes

What does "macht" mean in "Was macht Tina?”

6 votes

Die Konstruktion von "Das geht dich nichts (nicht?) an".

6 votes

Difference between “brechen” and “zerbrechen”

5 votes

What is the German equivalent of the English phrase "Fuck me"?

5 votes

How to turn "er möge" in indirect speech to direct

4 votes

German word for love

4 votes

"Beet" als Ersatz für "Sträußchen"?

4 votes

zum Lächeln vs. um zu lächeln

4 votes

How are coordinating, subordinating and adverbial conjunctions different from one another?

4 votes

Sie ist eine ganz liebe/Liebe und nette/Nette

3 votes

Imperative/perfect tense of inserperable verbs (maybe only loan words?)

3 votes

Shouldn’t the subject be first in a subordinate clause with “dass”?

3 votes

Kollokationen//collocations: 'Schreibweise benutzen'?

3 votes

How do you pronounce 'igt' in words like 'bestätigt'?

3 votes

Why is »hat« used in this sentence instead of »ist«?

3 votes

Can someone help me about using the „zu“?

3 votes

Kommasetzung – In diesem Beispiel Komma vor "und"?

3 votes

Deutsches Wort für »Fracking«

2 votes

»Hat eventuell noch einer eine ...?«

2 votes

Does position of nicht matter?

2 votes

Aussprache von »Libyen«

2 votes

Should a German relative clause directly follow the noun it describes, like in English?

2 votes

Do adverbs have to directly describe the verb they relate to?

2 votes

Selbig vs Selbe

2 votes

Kann "Zur A, bei B und bei C" an der ersten Position eines Satzes stehen?

1 vote

Is "zu ..., um zu" a German equivalent of "too ... to" or "so ... that ... cannot"?