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haxor789's user avatar
  • Member for 2 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
3 votes

Dative case instead of für?

3 votes

Müssen and sollen

3 votes

What's the meaning of "das würde ich nicht mal geschenkt haben wollen"?

3 votes

What preposition with fortfahren?

3 votes

Why is "bleiben" conjugated as "bleibet" in the Bach choral "Jesus bleibet meine Freude"?

2 votes

Compounds made of adjective + noun vs. noun phrase made of adj. + noun

2 votes

How does one construct the German active voice?

2 votes

Meaning of "in Wahrheit"

2 votes

Is this correct please?

2 votes

How does usage of "übrig" and "verbleibend" differ?

2 votes

»Late«, »too late«, »spät«, and »zu spät«. What equivalences are there?

2 votes

Meaning and usage of Je?

1 vote

"einerseits" vs. "auf der einen Seite" vs. "zum einen" vs. "zum Ersten" vs. "erstens"

1 vote

Is there a difference between "bitte noch" and "bitte"?

1 vote

Help understanding some sentences

1 vote

"Kugel des Glücks". What is it?

1 vote

"das" or "die" after sind

1 vote

When does german "Joker" mean the English "joker"?

1 vote

"Austausch" als "Diskussion"

1 vote

Difference between “stimmen”, “abstimmen”, and “wählen”

1 vote

When to use "weil" and when to use "obwohl"?

1 vote

What's the difference between 'Gewalt' and 'Gewalttätigkeit'?

0 votes

Difference between Reich, Kaiserreich, Kaiserzeit and Weltreich?

0 votes

Translation of a Line in a Poem

0 votes

What is the origin of the word "Art"?

0 votes

Use of "doch" in "Tugend hat er vielleicht, aber doch keine Klugheit"

0 votes

Unterschied zwischen "begrenzt" und "beschränkt"

0 votes

Schlechtes Gewissen vs Gewissensbisse. Unterschiede

0 votes

Höflichkeitsform von "lass dir Zeit"

0 votes

How to translate “Split, merge, done.” into German?