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polemon's user avatar
polemon's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
5 votes

How to brush up my German?

5 votes

Translation of "She has a nice look"

5 votes

How can 'label propagation' be translated?

4 votes

Wann Anführungsstriche, wann kursiv?

4 votes

Für Luft gibt es "entlüften"; für Gas, "entgasen". Was entspricht folgenden Gasen: Stick-, Wasser- und Sauerstoff?

2 votes

When to use "zu jemandem sagen" instead of just "jemandem sagen"?

2 votes

Word choice: "manuell" or "von Hand"?

2 votes

How do I answer a phone call?

2 votes

Translation of IT term "code folding"

2 votes

Beschreibung extremer Langsamkeit

1 vote

Why "herzlich" in "herzlich wenig"?

0 votes

Differences between "Klausur", "Prüfung" and "Examen"

0 votes

What is the German equivalent for these speech fillers from English: "umm..." and "like"?

-3 votes

Words in German that begin in "kn-" and are cognates of the English words with the same meaning