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Gerhard's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
5 votes

"da ... wohl jemand": Is this a sarcastic set expression with the meaning "a certain someone"?

5 votes

What does "noch" mean in "Ich wünsche Ihnen noch einen schönen Abend"

2 votes

Why is this verb written as "zeige" rather than "zeigt"? Konjunktiv I maybe?

11 votes

What does was mean in the phrase “Können wir nicht mal was anderes machen?”

5 votes

Can I use present perfect passive here?

5 votes

wieder and weder

9 votes

Usage of the word »schlimm«

25 votes

Is ‘hallöchen’ appropriate between a professor and a student?

7 votes

Can “zum” be used to contract “zu einem”?

7 votes

German word for "Binge TV watching ending depression"

3 votes

Reminding of own identity at the beginning of correspondence

-3 votes

Wie sagt man "I don't mind" auf höflicher Art und Weise?

2 votes

Erlebnis as a stand-alone word

9 votes

What does “Schnibbler” mean, or imply?

5 votes

„Eine Datei hinlegen“ oder „eine Datei legen“

8 votes

Is it correct to say “Das ist meine Schwester” and not “Sie ist meine Schwester”?

1 vote

Meaning of "Glutqualm"

0 votes

Using "Ball" and "Kugel"

5 votes

When to use 'keine' and 'nicht'

5 votes

Using “das heißt” to express consequence?

1 vote

How do I say "It's all about the marketing"?

2 votes

How do I say Newsflash in german?

10 votes

Does "wollen" ever function like English "will" to signal a future event (no volition)

3 votes

Sind zusammenbrechen und kaputtgehen austauschbar?

5 votes

Pronunciation of [ʃ] vs. [s]

4 votes

Wann kann man "jemals" benutzen/Usage of "jemals"

7 votes

“Meine Mutter ist Maria” – is it correct to introduce someone like that?

16 votes

Sagt man "Was ist Ihr Name"?

3 votes

Negative Antwort mit positiver Alternative geben

3 votes

How to say "Phrase of the week" in German