23.5 billion kilograms of household-waste every year, of which 9.4 billion is recycled.
I wasn't really sure of the word for of which. My instinct was von denen, but a dictionary says woran.
Im Vereinigten Königreich, gibts jedes Jahr 23,5 Milliarde Kilo Hausmüll, von denen 9,4 Milliarden recycelt wird.
Is that right? Am I right in sending wird to the end of the sentence?
Also, do I need to use the genitive after Kilo, and where does jedes Jahr best go in the sentence?
So after reading the responses, is this the best way to phrase?
Im Großbritannien fallen jedes Jahr 23,5 Milliarden Tonnen Hausmüll an, wovon 9,4 Milliarden recycelt wird.