First a note of scepticims (but not regarding the method, rather regarding the question):
I really sympathize with the method and believe that it can be powerful. However, I think your question itself contradicts the method. Here is a (crucial) quote from the first paragraphs of the description you linked:
"The sentences should also reflect your personal daily life to make them more meaningful to you: i.e., things you yourself want/need to be able to say."
So, asking for a ready-made list of sentences is counter-intuitive. I suppose the idea would be that youself choose those sentences, e.g. by asking friends. (That's how I learnt Bulgarian, chiefly!)
Now anyway an answer
What I found extremely useful for learning foreign languages was reading
Mickey Mouse comics in the given language (Russian, Serbian, Turkish, Bulgarian, French, whatever).
The reason is: Mickey Mouse has everyday language in an everyday scenery, and the style of speaking is both natural and refined, so to say a tasteful and grammatically flawless way of speaking casually. This may vary depending on the translation, but for German, reading Micky Maus comics is definitely a good idea. The German Micky Maus translations by Erika Fuchs (1906-2005) are even famous for their exquisite (but unobtruvise) style and they are said to have been formative for German spoken language after WWII in various ways.
You can read (preferably older) Micky Maus and Donald Duck stories and pick the sentences you like and that you think are likely to be useful in your own everyday life.