I just came across this Tweet saying that
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
is a complete English sentence because buffalo
can be an animal, a place and a verb (meaning to outwit or intimidate).
I wondered if it's possible to create a similar sentence in German.
I thought a while about it but the best I came up with was:
Essen essen Essen.
Where the first Essen
is Die Essen
, the collective noun for all people of the City of Essen.
The second essen
is of course to eat
and the third Essen
is the noun for food
I wonder if it's possible to create a longer "single word sentence" in German. I have the feeling that German grammar rules don't allow this. I already cheated a bit in my example by leaving out the die
of die Essen
and although I heard it a few times most people probably wouldn't use die Essen
to refer to the people of Essen.
Wenn Robben hinter Robben robben, robben Robben Robben hinterher
orWenn Fliegen hinter Fliegen fliegen, fliegen Fliegen Fliegen hinterher