If we are to translate "I will be in Berlin 3 days later" to German, which is correct?

  1. Ich werde 3 Tage später in Berlin sein.
  2. Ich werde 3 Tage später in Berlin.

Is only 1 correct? Werden dosn't have a meaning of "will be"?

1 Answer 1


Ich werde 3 Tage später in Berlin sein.

Ich werde 3 Tage später in Berlin.

Ich werde 3 Tage später in Berlin ankommen.

Ich werde 3 Tage später in Berlin übernachten.

Werden is the Futur I auxiliary in these sentences. Auxiliaries cannot stand alone, they need another verb which tense/voice/mood they modify.

Sein itself is an auxiliary often enough, but not in your original sentence.

Ich bin Vater geworden.

Here, sein (1. Person: bin) is an auxiliary, while werden (Partizip II: geworden) is used as a full verb. This construction is the Perfekt tense of werden.

  • wow, that's now clear to me. danke!
    – Chan Kim
    Commented Aug 31, 2017 at 2:17
  • 1
    it's interesting werden can be a general verbe meaning "become" not like "will" in English(pure auxiliary verb). maybe that's what confused me earlier.
    – Chan Kim
    Commented Aug 31, 2017 at 2:18

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