How do you write "von" properly? Do you write it with capitalised v if you write von in the beginning of sentence? Which one is correct, "von Brun" or "Von Brun" if you want to write it as name lets say on a note or a memo?
3 Answers
The first letter of any sentence is capitalised.
Alle zu einem mehrteiligen Namen gehörenden Adjektive, Partizipien, Pronomen und Zahlwörter schreibt man groß <§ 60>.
prepositions and articles are written as you usually write them: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, der Schiefe Turm von Pisa, Lutz van der Horst
Von is written von everywhere except where a capital letter is required by the normal capitalization rules, for example at the beginning of this sentence
According to Duden, the Adelsprädikat, if spelt out, is written as “Von” at the beginning of a sentence, but if it is abbreviated then it is always “v.” even at the beginning of a sentence.