Da der reibungslose Transport von Waren und Versorgungsgütern in Deutschland nach wie vor auf einwandfr(?) funktionierende Straßen angewiesen ist, müssen Bundesstrassen, Autobahnen und Brücken stets repariert und für den Schwerverkehr befahrbar sein.
For my university entrance exam, I have to write an exam where I have to fill some deleted text. In the above question, for example, I would have to figure out what goes in place of "?". Here the answer is "ei" because einwandfrei is an adverb as discussed in this post.
When I wrote the answer, I wrote "eie" thinking it is an adjective in the nominative feminine case/same ending as "funktionierende". Another reason is that, streets can indeed be "einwandfreie"... but... this is wrong.
How could I have figured out methodically that it must indeed be einwandfrei?