I have heard/read the following sentence in the 4th episode of the TV series "Lauchhammer - Tod in der Lausitz":
Der Florian ist abgereist, hat die Container dichtgemacht unten am See und weg ist er.
Context: Florian is a real estate salesman that sold houses by the main lake of the city. His office was in a container near the lake. After having an argument with his girlfriend and being accused by her ex-husband of killing a girl, he decided to leave the city. The sentence is said by the girlfriend's mother to her daughter after he goes away.
My understanding is "abreisen" means "to leave" and "weg sein" means "to be gone". If so, the German sentence would be translated to English as:
Florian left, sealed off the containers by the lake and is gone.
Having "leave" and "be gone" in the same sentence is redundant - saying "Florian sealed off the containers and left" or "Florian sealed off the containers and is gone" would mean the same. Am I missing something?
The TV series translates "abreisen" as "pack oneself's things" (i.e. Florian packed his things), but there's no such meaning in https://www.dwds.de/wb/abreisen.