Man muss Lied können.
As in English language some words require an article:
You have to be able to speak English.
You have to be able to sing the song.
But not:
You have to be able to sing song.
So the correct sentence would be (for example):
Man muss das Lied können.
In the plural an article will change the meaning of the sentence:
Man muss Lieder können.
Man muss die Lieder können.
The first sentence says that you must be able to sing any songs while the second sentence says that you must be able to sing certain specific songs.
Normally the word können
is used with an adjective. However in some cases it is used with a substantive.
This is often done if the substantive already describes an action so it is clear which adjective is meant:
Man muss Gartenarbeit können.
Languages are typically used the same way (in fact nearly noone says Englisch sprechen können
Man muss Englisch können.
In other cases it normally depends on the context if the sentence is understood or not. The sentence:
Man muss Pfannkuchen können.
... would be perfectly understood by most Germans when you are talking about cooking: You have to be able to cook Pfannkuchen. However the sentence would sound very strange when you are not explicitly talking about cooking. Maybe noone would understand it.
Man muss das Lied können.
Would be understood by most Germans that you have to be able to sing that song; however depending on the context it might also mean that you have to be able to play that on a musical instrument.
There are two things to say about the sentence:
Liebe muss man können
I'm not sure but I think that the grammatically correct form would be:
Die Liebe muss man können
This sentence would normally not be used in "real" language. However book writers, song writers, movie producers and other artists have a lot of freedom when using language so they can "invent" sentences like this one.
I have to mention that the combination of man
, können
and müssen
normaly (at least in all sentences written above) has two different meanings:
- You have to be able to do something / it is necessary that you are able to do something
- You should not do something unless you can do that very well
Bei einer Spanienreise muss man Spanisch können.
... can therefore have one of the following two meanings:
- It is necessary that you can speak Spanish if you are travelling to Spain.
- If you don't speak Spanish very well you'll better talk in English when travelling to Spain.
Man muss Lied können
for singing?