I have found the following translations for running out of something. Some verbs that make sense to me to use are ausgehen, ablaufen and enden. Note that I'm not interested in the literal meaning of to run out, i.e. hinauslaufen.
Some useful expressions found in dict and Linguee:
- Mir gehen die Ideen aus. — I'm running out of ideas.
Unsere Vorräte gehen zu Ende. — We are running out of supplies.
Mir läuft die Zeit davon. — I'm running out of time.
- in Zeitnot sein — be running out of time
Can I use these verbs interchangebly for expressing the running out of things, time, thoughts, etc.? I could not get the feeling which verb or construction is more appropriate, correct; or even if there are stablished expressions, which are more commonly used.