I read today the following line.

Vielleicht brauch ich ja dein blödes Geld auch gar nicht.

Everything makes sense to me, other than the blödes. I feel dein Geld here is definite, rather than indefinite so it should be blöde. Am I wrong?

Velleicht brauch ich ja dein blöde Geld auch gar nicht.

If I am wrong, how can I figure out if something is definitive or indefinitive?

  • "blödes" is right, due to "Geld" being neuter. "blöde" would fit, if the object was feminine.
    – rqnn
    Commented Sep 2, 2017 at 17:30
  • The point is that "blödes" is strongly inflected, not weakly as in "Das blöde Geld".
    – RHa
    Commented Sep 2, 2017 at 22:09

2 Answers 2


Nominative or accusative singular possessives are followed by a definite/strong adjective. In the other cases or in the plural, they are followed by an indefinite/weak adjective. That is why this particular case is called “mixed” declension:

Details of mixed declension

Strong/definite endings

  • Nominative singular:
    • Masculine: mein blöder Affe
    • Feminine: meine blöde Schrift
    • Neutrum: mein blödes Geld
  • Accusative singular:
    • Masculine: meinen blöden Affen
    • Feminine: meine blöde Schrift
    • Neutrum: mein blödes Geld

Weak/indefinite endings

  • Genitive singular:
    • Masculine: meines blöden Affen
    • Feminine: meiner blöden Schrift
    • Neutrum: meines blöden Gelds
  • Dative singular:
    • Masculine: meinem blöden Affen
    • Feminine: meiner blöden Schrift
    • Neutrum: meinem blöden Geld
  • Plural (all genders have the same endings):
    • Nominative: meine blöden Affen/Schriften/Gelder
    • Genitive: meiner blöden Affen/Schriften/Gelder
    • Dative: meinen blöden Affen/Schriften/Geldern
    • Accusative: meine blöden Affen/Schriften/Gelder
  • I don't know what a 'definite adjective' is, you probably mean a strong adjective. But this is only true for the nominative and the accusative neuter. In "Deinem blöden Geld" the adjective is weak.
    – RHa
    Commented Sep 2, 2017 at 22:14
  • @RHa: My mistake, thanks for pointing it out.
    – mach
    Commented Sep 3, 2017 at 8:00

From the Wikipedia article: Adjectival possessive pronouns and kein decline similarly to the article ein

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