That piece zu Arbeiten has Arbeiten as the dative plural of the noun die Arbeit as an argument to the preposition zu. That adverbial makes only sense in a very narrow range of contexts.
Sein Werk steht in Beziehung zu Arbeiten seines Vaters.
His oeuvre has relations to works of his father.
While the piece zum Arbeiten has Arbeiten as the dative singular of the noun das Arbeiten made from the verb arbeiten. The meaning is similar to that of the English gerund, or sometimes, the infinitive.
Zum Arbeiten geht er in die Werkstatt.
For working he goes to the workshop.
Sometimes zu Arbeiten and zum Arbeiten become almost synonymous.
Man zwingt ihn zum Arbeiten.
They force him to work.
Man zwingt ihn zur Arbeit.
They force him to work on something.
Man zwingt ihn zu Arbeiten.
They force him to work on multiple things.