"Manche", "sämtliche" und "solche" können wie bestimmte Artikel (Regelfall) oder wie Adjektive (Ausnahme) verwendet werden. Die Endungen der nachfolgenden Adjektive richten sich nach der Art des Gebrauchs.

  • Manche enttäuschten Gäste beschwerten sich über das Hotel (unbestimmte Artikel)
  • Manche enttäuschte Gäste beschwerten sich über das Hotel (Artikel)

Is there any difference in meaning the two sentences or are they the same?

  • You seem to have a strange method to add pictures to a question in a way, that they only appear during editing but are not displayed normally.
    – guidot
    Commented Jul 28, 2023 at 13:54
  • It helps to ask your question in either English or German, not a mixture of the two. Ask in whichever language you're more comfortable with, since that will usually be the language used in the answers given.
    – RDBury
    Commented Jul 29, 2023 at 4:47

1 Answer 1


In Singular: Weak.

(Mancher schöne Weg.)

In Plural: Weak or Strong(parallel).

(Manche schöne Wege. Manche schönen Wege.)

After "manch": Strong.

(Manch schöner Weg)

Manche simply allows for weak or strong (parallel) inflection but only in Plural. There is no meaning difference. You have the choice to use both.

Also, the text makes a mistake and calls "manche" a "definite article" in the first paragraph. Maybe you should consider switching your learning resources if obvious mistakes like this creep in.

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