I have an assignment for German class to write a letter, expressing some kind of problem. I won't go deep into the subject, I just need help with some demonstrative pronouns, the first sentence being:
... es war ein anderer Koffer! Er war auch rot, aber das ist nicht genug, um meinen zu werden.
This thing, I know werden has 2 nominatives, but usually in an um...zu clause there's no subject, so I have no idea with this one, my gut, if any :D, tells me it should be meinen.
The other sentence I want to include (again regarding a Koffer) is:
Und keiner war doch meiner!
I'm pretty sure about the keiner, but not so much about meiner. We've done some exercises about demonstrative pronouns, but they were neither that many, nor were they that challenging. Anyway, thanks for the help in advance :)