Reading »Der Corona Schock« Hans-Werner Sinn, page 57:

Vom Gipfel von Madrid im Jahr 1995, als die Zeitschiene für die Einführung des Euro verbindlich beschlossen wurde, bis hin zur Lehman-Krise im Jahr 2008 sind die Preise der in Italien produzierten Güter relativ zu den Preisen der in Deutschland produzierten Güter insgesamt um etwa 40 Prozent gestiegen.

Are these two uses of »der« demonstrative pronouns ? Or are they genitive definite articles ?

  • 2
    They are genitive definite articles. Commented Oct 29, 2021 at 10:23
  • 1
    More specifically, in X produzierten Güter is a single noun phrase, with Güter the noun ("goods") and in X produzierten acting as an adjective ("produced in X"). German allows such adjective phrases to be placed in front of the noun while English has them follow the noun: "goods produced in X" rather than "produced in X goods". If you remove the in X produzierten parts then the answer is clear.
    – RDBury
    Commented Oct 29, 2021 at 20:24
  • 1
    @RDBury: Please to not use comments to answer questions! Please write proper answers! Commented Oct 30, 2021 at 8:14
  • @infinitezero: Same for you! Commented Oct 30, 2021 at 8:15
  • @Hubert Schölnast: Well, technically my comment was expanding on another comment and, while it gives a hint, doesn't actually answer the question. But I take your point. In any case, my answer would not have included anything not covered in your answer.
    – RDBury
    Commented Oct 30, 2021 at 8:38

1 Answer 1


In both cases this an article:

  • plural
  • genitive
  • definite

And in both cases this article is the determiner of the noun »Güter« (goods, commodities, merchandise) which is genitive plural form of the neuter noun »das Gut«.

The nominal phrases, in which they live, are:

  • Subject of the sentence, in nominative case, plural:

    die Preise der in Italien produzierten Güter

  • Dative object, also plural (dative case is not ruled by a verb but by the preposition »zu«):

    den Preisen der in Deutschland produzierten Güter

Both parts of speech begin with the same core (but in different cases) which is »die Preise«, »den Preisen« (both of them consisting of a definite article, as determiner and a noun). Right of both cores are two very similar genitive attributes:

der in Italien produzierten Güter
der in Deutschland produzierten Güter

Both of them have their own core noun at the end which is the noun »Güter« and a determiner (here a definite article) at the beginning. Between the determiner and the noun is an attribute that again has its own attribute.

The core of this attribute is the word »produzierten« which is a participle (participle II of the verb »produzieren« = to produce) that behaves like an adjective (participles are verb-adjective-hybrids).

And in both cases this word »produzierten« (which, as just said, is by itself an attribute of a noun) has its own attribute which is an adverbial term (»adverbiale Bestimmung«) that consists of a preposition (»in«) and the name of a location (here the name of a country). Such local adverbial term satisfy the function of a locative case in other languages, so you might call it also a "locative term".

  • »in Italien« is an adverbial term and this adverbial term is the attribute of »produzierten«.

  • »in Italien produzierten« is the composite attribute of the noun »Güter«. The core of this composite attribute is a participle II which is by itself is attributed by an adverbial term.

  • »der in Italien produzierten Güter« is a nominal group in genitive case plural. It consists of a determiner (the article »der«) and the noun »Güter« which is the core of the nominal group. This core noun has on its left side an attribute (»in Italien produzierten«) which is a composite attribute

  • »die Preise der in Italien produzierten Güter« is a nominal group in nominative case. It consists of a determiner (the article »die«), the noun »Preise«, which is the core of the nominal group, and on its right side a genitive attribute (»der in Italien produzierten Güter«).

  • »den Preisen der in Deutschland produzierten Güter« is very similar to the item above, it just is in dative case, and contains another noun (»Deutschland«) inside the adverbial term.

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