I am looking for a book like English Vocabulary in Use Advanced für Deutsch.
I have already checked Da fehlen mir die Worte but seems too much theoretic and it is not divided in themes as the first one. Also Wörter zur Wahl is not bad but it is not what I am looking for, it is organized in a different way. Probably the best one I have found so far is Übungen zum Wortschatz der deutschen Schriftsprache: Niveau A2 - C1 although it is only for "written" German and it seems in any case quite hard.
So do you know any books to improve German's vocabulary? Possibly something good for selflearners as I have no occasion to attend any classes for now. Ich habe letztes Jahr die B1 Prüfung gemacht und ich will jetzt meinen Wortschatz verbessern.