Just to emphasize on what has been said before: Informatik is the subject that is taught at German Universities, normally consisting of algorithms, data structures, software design paradigms, software engineering, databases, expert systems, data communication, operating systems, formal languages + automata, complexity, compiler construction, etc.
When you are looking for a software designer in Germany you would be looking for a Informatiker or Diplom-Informatiker.
Some funny people, especially journalists, seem to actually start using the word Computerwissenschaften when translating Computer Science into German. I doesn't have a well defined meaning in German.
Further, since computers became a hype, people like to jump on the Informatik train, therefore you have things like Fach-Informatik (Fach-Informatik is to Informatik what a mechanic is to a mechanical engineer), and Informationstechnologie (which is often more electrical engineering plus software engineering). I claim neither is what you call Computer Science.