In ordinary spoken language possible (not the same, but at least a little bit similar) is "nich" instead of "nicht" . Can be also used without a subject.
Works standalone or in a whole sentence. Examples:
Is nich!
(could be translated IMO as 'It ain't gonna happen.')
(could be more coll. spoken as 'Des
') Glas is nich voll.
Bin nich da, falls einer anruft.
Will nich
Mag nich
Kann nich
I will nich hier bleiben.
As said, this is only spoken language. But if the real sound should be shown in written words, one could also write "kannich" instead of "kann nich", etc.
I think I am aware of having read "Kannichverstahn" or so (for "kann es nicht verstehen") somewhere, but googling didn't helped me here, so I am not sure about the origin.