Beim kleinsten Pieps machst du dir gleich ins Höschen!

=? "You get worked up over the tiniest things!"

Or more literally: "You wet (in) your pants over the tiniest things!"

I understand that the adverb “gleich” can be used for emphasis with the meaning of “right/just”, but in this specific sentence:

Does “gleich” serve as a zeitlich emphasis?

"You (right away / immediately) get worked up over the tiniest things!"

Or, does “gleich” serve as a räumlich emphasis, placing emphasis on the preposition "in"?

"You wet (right / just) in your pants over the tiniest things!"

1 Answer 1


It is more used in timely manner in combination of a jumpy person. As you already wrote "immediately".


As soon as something happened, you pee in your pants.

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