I'm not able to understand when to use the single form of einige and when to use it in plural form. From my understanding einige can be used only in plural form.


Shows that einige can also be used in singular form.

Can someone help me with this issue?

  • I'm not sure that 'einig(e)' makes sense in singular and until shown a counter-example I'd argue it's an error in the page / learning material. Not to be confused with the adjectiv/adverb "einig" as used e.g. in the German national anthem. Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 8:29
  • 2
    @planetmaker dwds.de/wb/einige#wb-1
    – user6495
    Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 8:34
  • 1
    @Teo: Welcome in German Language SE. Thank you comments are polite, but not typical in SE generally and will likely be removed. If you found some comment or answer useful, click the corresponding upvote icon.
    – guidot
    Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 12:06

2 Answers 2


Note, that einige has two meanings, as stated one the DWDS page already given by @Roland (I skip colloquial meaning number 3 here).

  • Meaning 1, einige Kinder, translating to several (children) of course requires plural.
  • Meaning 2, einige Mühe, translating to a substantial amount (of effort) requires singular.
  • Ok, I think i grasped the difference, but for the singular form I will need to use the declensions of the neuter gender ? Also, can I say that einige,in way, is the plural form of undefined article ein eine ein ?
    – Teo
    Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 14:33
  • @Teo: First question: no, Mühe is feminine, for neuter (einiges Kopfzerbrechen) endings are different. Second part: Also no, the indefinite article vanishes, when plural is required, see e.g. here. If I misunderstood something, feel free to create a separate question.
    – guidot
    Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 14:46
  • This is similar to the English equivalent some. E.g. einige Mühe = some effort. Einige here describes the amount (uncountable) rather than the number of "efforts" (einige Mühen would have a similar meaning, but stresses multiple instances rather than one big task).
    – Chieron
    Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 20:00

The forms are correct. Examples that you'll find frequently are e.g. "mit einiger Mühe" (with some / a lot of effort), "Ich habe einiges zu erzählen".

It is like with "alle - alles" or "beide - beides"

The Duden grammar writes (2022 ed., §1272):

"Wenn sich Pronomen nicht auf eine Nominalphrase beziehen und für etwas Un- belebtes stehen, erhalten sie das Merkmalbündel »Neutrum Singular«. Pluralformen sind dann ausgeschlossen – selbst bei Lexemen, deren Formen sonst gewöhnlich im Plural stehen: (8) Der Titel klingt nach Lebenshilfe, der Name des Autors wie ein Pseudonym, aber beides ist falsch. / Auf dem Schrottplatz stand einiges herum: neun Lastwagen und drei Bagger."

  • Incidentally, would you translate (8) as "...both is wrong" ? Same phenomenon?
    – Alazon
    Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 8:44
  • Thanks a lot for your kindly response
    – Teo
    Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 9:11

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