I recently stumbled over this sentence and can't figure out which Satzglieder it consists of:
Ich steige vom Bus in den Zug um.
I realise that Ich is the Subjekt and steige … um is the Prädikat, but I really struggle with the parts vom Bus and in den Zug. Are these adverbiale Bestimmungen or Präpositionalobjekts? Could you ask something like
Wohin steige ich um? → In den Zug.
or would that be grammatically incorrect? Additionally, would it be different when um is omitted in the sentence
Ich steige vom Bus in den Zug.
Without um it seems to me that there's more freedom as to which prepositions you can use. Maybe I'm just overthinking this, but to me, nothing really seems to make sense and before I spend the entire day trying to figure this out, I decided to ask here, hoping that someone smart(er than me) could help me on this. Feel free to provide other example sentences etc.