The phrase "Public Viewing" was created and established during the world championships in 2006 in Germany. It describes the viewing of an event (like a football match) in a public crowd.
As mentioned later through several media, this phrase has a different meaning at least in the USA. It means a public laying out of a dead person (Öffentliche Aufbahrung eines Toten).
I asked an Irish colleague what he affiliates with this and how he would translate the "German public viewing" into something more common for them. He thought that it is funny, but was unable to provide "an Irish translation", because they don't celebrate events in that manner. Therefore there seems to be no single word existing.
To our non-natives outside Germany and outside the USA: How would you translate or describe "Public Viewing"?
, are here off topic. You need to be an expert in the target language, not in the source language, to provide a translation/answer.