I am translating the user interface of a text editor into German. This editor has "code folding" capabilities, i.e. fold (=hide) and unfold (=reveal) sections of code, usually defined by structural criteria such as function definitions, loops etc.:
Now I'm unsure about what the best translation for the relevant commands/terms should be. I've come across different translations, none of them felt quite right to me.
For example, one editor uses "Falten" as the menu title, and then the commands "Ausblenden" (Fold) and "Einblenden" (Unfold). I don't really like mixing terms like this.
I'm currently leaning towards a simple verbatim translation: "Falten"/"Entfalten" (as well as "Faltpunkte" for "Folding points", "Faltbereiche" for "Folding sections"), but I've also contemplated "Einklappen"/"Ausklappen". Then again "Klappen" as a menu title sounds strange.
Do you have a better suggestion? Is there an accepted term that everybody uses, so I should just get behind that?