Jetzt ist das fünf Jahr her.
I found this sentence in a documentary I was seeing. What does "her" at the end mean? What grammatical object is it?
Some source say it is adverb, if so, shouldn't it be right after "ist?"
Jetzt ist das fünf Jahr her.
I found this sentence in a documentary I was seeing. What does "her" at the end mean? What grammatical object is it?
Some source say it is adverb, if so, shouldn't it be right after "ist?"
Duden has her sein as a multiword expression, which indicates that the combination is idiomatic, i.e. not derivable from general rules alone.
Her combines with a temporal accusative or lang(e) to form the subject complement of sein:
Lange her ist das nicht.
This wasn't long ago.
obwohl das schon wieder einen Monat her ist
although this was a month ago
Note that the verb is in present tense.
As far as word order is concerned, subject complements generally tend to appear "at the end"; see for instance the section "I.e. The Predicate Nominative and Predicate Adjective" in the article on word order in main clauses at Dartmouth (predicative here means the same as subject complement).
As Janka points out, this position "at the end" is to be considered "close to the verb" in German. This is shown by verb-final clauses such as the example with obwohl above, or when a modal is added in a main clause.
Das muss jetzt aber wirklich schon lange her gewesen sein.
But that must really have been a long time ago.
It's an adverb of time, similar to since in English.
Jetzt ist das fünf Jahre her.
It has been five years since.