According to Google Ngram Viewer the word "letztendlich" is a very new invention in German language. Meanwhile this word is very present in all kinds of communication, be it formal or informal.
Is there any meaning this word has that an older term could not express?
I am asking because I believe this is a filler word that you can use to sound important without saying anything. "Ich denk mal letztendlich kommt es doch darauf an, dass man irgendwie grad mal eben eher mehr so das nicht wirklich Falsche tun müsste, um wirklich total nachhaltig gehandelt zu haben". Blabla. Typische Zeitverschwendung für den Zuhörer und "letztendlich" kommt letztendlich fast immer bei solchen Gelegenheiten vor. Es gibt keine anderen (diese Frage ausgenommen). Oder? (Useless stutter, a typical waste of time for the listener, and "letztendlich" always is a key part of such occasions (with this question being an exception). Right?)
So the question is:
What meaning does the young term "letztendlich" contribute that any other more classic term cannot express?
P.S.: The same seems to be true for "schlussendlich". This term is less popular, but has risen even steeper in last decade´s usage than "letztendlich".