I would like to know how I can ask a question with vor = ago correctly in the following sentences:

What is in my calendar from three day ago?
Was in meinem Kalender von vor drei Tagen steht?


What did I have in my calendar three day ago?
Was hatte ich vor drei Tagen in meinem Kalender?

In particular I would like to know whether I need to keep the preposition from like in the first sentence. The example sentences are to check the activities I did three days ago based on what I wrote in my calendar.

Thank you in advance

1 Answer 1


Both sentences are possible (read grammatically) correct, but in my opinion a little awkward. Nevertheless you'd be understood. I would phrase it this way

Ich muss mal in meinem Kalender schauen, ...
... was ich vor 3 Tagen gemacht hatte.
... welche Termine ich vor 3 Tagen hatte.
... wo ich vor 3 Tagen war.
... wohin ich vor 3 Tagen gefahren war.
... mit wem ich vor 3 Tagen verabredet war.

Regarding your sentences:

was in meinem Kalender von vor drei Tagen steht

This kind of implies that you use a new calendar for each day. Which is what makes it awkward, because usually people use just one calendar for the entire year.

Was hatte ich vor drei Tagen in meinem Kalender?

This means that it was in your calendar 3 days ago (but you erased it after that).

  • ... was ich vor 3 Tagen gemacht habe? ...
    – Olafant
    Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 3:19
  • 2
    "Both sentences are possible (read grammatically) correct" - I have some severe doubts "Was in meinem Kalender von vor drei Tagen steht?" can be labeled grammatically correct, at least if it is supposed to be a full sentence, rather than a partial repetition of a previous statement for confirmation. Commented Jun 24, 2020 at 6:01
  • Also, I disagree about the "but you erased it after that" claim. I think it is perfectly possible to ask "Was hatte ich vor drei Tagen in meinem Kalender?", where the past tense does not indicate the calendar has physically changed in the meantime, just that my focus with respect to the calendar has shifted. Commented Jun 24, 2020 at 6:05
  • Note the difference between "was ich hatte ich vor drei Tagen in meinem Kalender" and "Was hatte ich in meinem Kalender von vor drei Tagen" Commented Jun 24, 2020 at 13:15

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