I want to find an equilibrium between the following bad writing problems:
- excesively repeating a subject (Hans ... Dannach hat Hans... Hans fand x gut. usw.)
- making a too long sentence (which make my text unreadable, and in my case is a potential source of grammatical mistakes)
Thus, for sake of concreteness, suppose you have a list of sentences sharing a subject: ich. Let's choose the simplest possible ones:
- Ich wache um 6.30 Uhr auf.
- Ich bereite das Frühstück vor.
- ...
Merging is still easy: Ich wache um 6.30 Uhr auf, bereite das Frühstück vor, ....
But now add to some sentences adverbs, here for example, in der Regel to sentence 2:
- Ich wache um 6.30 Uhr auf.
- In der Regel bereite ich um 6.40 das Frühstück vor.
- ...
Then I don't know how to merge the sentces, for, on the one hand I want to write only once the subject and, on the other hand, in der Regel would take possition 1 after the comma. Is
Ich wache um 6.30 Uhr auf, in der Regel bereite ich um 6.40 Uhr das Frühstück vor, ...
the only option? (wenn es überhaupt richtig wäre) I'd like to have a variant in which dropping the ich in the second sentence is possible.