I want to use the suffix -bar to transform the word anvertrauen (to trust something to somebody) to change it meaning to to be able to trust. As a native German speaker this sounds so right in my ears, i.e. anvertraubares Kapital (money to trust).

However, this word is not listed anywhere, so it does not exist? Is there a more correct form using vertrauen, any good short alternative, or is it fine to use anvertraubar?

Here are some sample sentences:

Ich vertraue dir Geld an. Ich kann dir X Euro anvertrauen. X Euro sind bei dir anvertraubar.

So, the word I'm seeking is describing the money, not the person.

  • 1
    Was willst Du sagen? Bezieht sich das "anvertraubar" auf das Kapital oder die Person, die das Kapital kriegt? Dann wäre die Person vertrauenswürdig. Oder geht es um die Anlageform? Dann würde ich eher "sicher" wählen.
    – Robert
    Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 4:18
  • 5
    Du kannst hier Fragen auch auf deutsch stellen.
    – Carsten S
    Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 7:12
  • 1
    To clarify things up: "Ich vertraue dir Geld an. Ich kann dir X Euro anvertrauen. X Euro sind bei dir anvertraubar". I hope now it's easier to understand what I mean. So, the word I'm seeking is describing the money, not the person. Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 15:24
  • 1
    He looks for the adjective that says "this (money) can be trusted to you", as a property / ability of the money. i.e. a tiger would not be "anvertraubar" to a child and a iambic pentameter not to a vegan lifestyle. See it as some sort of "compatibility" between the things in question and evaluates it from the POW of the former.
    – Mark
    Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 20:07
  • 1
    I think you mean: "an adjective for 'able to be entrusted to someone/something'.
    – user22484
    Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 21:40

5 Answers 5


Obviously, 'anvertraubar' does exist. Dictionaries just don't list all possible or rare derivations of words. But 'anvertraubar' is a correctly formed and comprehensible adjective. It requires a copular verb (Kopulaverb: sein, werden, bleiben,…) to which it is a predicative adjective (anvertraubar sein), and this will usually require a dative object to form a complete statement:

    {Etwas/Jemand}ᴺᴼᴹ ist {jemandem/etwas}ᴰᴬᵀ anvertraubar.

Das Geld ist dir anvertraubar. (not: 'bei dir anvertraubar')

Attributive use in a noun phrase:

    der/die/das {jemandem/etwas}ᴰᴬᵀ anvertraubare {etwas/jemand}

Technically, the adjective describes the subject or the noun, but on the semantic level it is of course a statement about the person/thing that can be entrusted with the subject. That's just in the meaning of the word: The prefix 'an-' in 'anvertrauen' signals the transfer of something in a trustful manner.

But there are also examples of different uses, e.g., to describe that trust can be put into something that is desirable or expected to happen in something. It is here somewhat close to "zutraubar" (which is also not listed in your dictionary).

"Normalerweise ist es dem Prozess der Vertrauensbildung und der Pflege der Beziehung gut anvertraubar, dass sich die in neuen Bekanntschaften anfangs oft geschärfte Wirkungssuche schließlich verläuft." (Nicole Diercks: "Nie mehr weg von mir! Stärker nach Burnout", 2015)

  • 3
    Genau.* Anvertraubar* erscheint den meisten nur komisch, weil sie sich keinen sinnvollen Kontext ausdenken. Das ist aber garnicht so schwer! Das Geld wird von einem Mitarbeiter befördert. Die Höhe des ihm anvertraubaren Betrages richtet sich nach seiner Erfahrung und dem Ermessen seiner Vorgesetzten.
    – Ludi
    Commented Aug 27, 2016 at 20:45

What you are looking for is


»Anvertraubar« is also a correct German word, but it means something else:


I never used this wird, and it is hard to find a context where this word is the right choice, but I try it:

Dieses Konto beinhaltet anvertaubares Kapital.
This bank account contains trustable capital.

This means that the capital can be trusted (given in good conscience) to someone. So this word describes a property of the capital.


This word is more common.

Walter ist sehr vertrauenswürdig, ihm kannst du das Geld geben.
Walter is very trustworthy, you can give him the money.

This means that Walter is reliable. You can trust him. He is »worth to be trusted«. So this word describes a property of a person (or institution) to whom you are giving something valuable.

  • 2
    No you got me wrong, instead I really seek for "anvertraubar", since I want to describe the money, not the person itself. The problem I have is this word simply does not exist: duden.de/suchen/dudenonline/anvertraubar Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 15:29
  • 2
    @modiX Yeah, but Hubert still has the answer in there, even if he suggested the wrong word. Not that ‘being in the Duden’ is neither sufficient nor necessary for ‘being a German word’.
    – Jan
    Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 22:19
  • @modiX: Two important things: 1. There is no ministery of official words or something similar. If you think a word expressed exactly what ever you want to say, then use it. Don't mind if it is listed anywhere. There is no official list of allowed German words. 2. Duden is not the official dictionary of German words. There is no such official dictionary. If you find a word in Duden, then you know that it is in use and you know how to write it. If you don't find it, then two things can be he reason: a. you tried to spell it wrong, or b. it is new or rare. Commented Aug 27, 2016 at 6:54
  • @HubertSchölnast I know for good Duden is not the any official database of German words. If you search for "anvertraubar" on Google (with quotes), you will realize the word is barely used and not listed anywhere at all. Whatsoever, I went for it. Commented Aug 28, 2016 at 20:13
  • @modiX it's rare, because the contexts where it appears are rare. And listing it is unnecessary as it follows standard wordbuilding rules while being uncommon (waste of space in dictionary).
    – Chieron
    Commented Aug 29, 2016 at 13:33

I find it very amusing that the other answer correctly states what you are looking for but says that that is not the answer.

You can indeed say anvertraubar in the situation you want to use it in. To be honest, I cannot think of a situation at all where I would use that kind of sentence in either German or English, but given your constraints, anvertraubar is the word you are looking for.

The suffix -bar is productive in modern German, so it is able to form new words according to the established rules. Otherwise, there would be no discussion about how dreadful the word unkaputtbar is.

Also note that being an understandable German word and being listed in the Duden are two separate properties. The first is neither sufficient nor required for the second.

(Are you really sure you want to say that, or is that some bank-y thing that I just cannot understand?)

  • 1
    I really want to say it this way, since it needs to be a short way to label the money field on a website. See my comment on dervonnebenaan's answer. Anyways, I'm happy I can use the word. Commented Aug 28, 2016 at 20:18
  • @modiX On a totally unrelated side note, can I +1 your user profile for using Vivi as a profile pic? (If it’s a different black mage from a different FF, consider the argument adjusted accordingly ;))
    – Jan
    Commented Aug 29, 2016 at 11:50

You are on the right track, but -bar is not the right suffix. The correct form is vertrauenswürdig, which translates into English as "trustworthy," rather than "able to trust."

  • It has no reference to the person, it has its reference to the money. Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 15:26
  • @modiX: Some forms of money are more trustworthy, or "vertrauenswürdig" than others. I wasn't referring to people either.
    – Tom Au
    Commented Aug 29, 2016 at 14:44

The sentence

X Euro sind dir anvertraubar.

(note: without the bei ) is correct, but a bit uncommon in german language. You could use instead the direct translation of it can be trusted to you:

X Euro können dir anvertraut werden.

X Euro kann man dir anvertrauen.

  • I would have picked the alternations of my context if possible. However I needed a short translation of "money to trust" and wanted to go for "anvertraubares Geld" instead of "Geld, welches anvertraut werden kann". Commented Aug 28, 2016 at 20:17

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