I have heard the following sentence in a Russian-Ukraine war report in the DW channel:
Junge Leute werden immer unzufrieden.
I initially translated this to "Young people always become dissatisfied" (sooner or later), but then learned at https://www.wordreference.com/deen/immer that "immer" alone can mean "more and more", which makes more sense in the context. So the correct translation is "Young people are becoming more and more dissatisfied". My understanding is that the sentence could mean both translations and the correct one has to be picked by context.
Is there any difference in meaning between "Junge Leute werden immer mehr unzufrieden" and the sentence above when the purpose is to convey progressive dissatisfaction? I thought that "immer" meant always and "immer mehr" meant "more and more", but it's clear now that things are not that simple.