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2 answers

Why do we say "Gehen Sie an der Ampel links'' and not "Gehen Sie an die Ampel link"?

I found this in the "Richtungen: nach dem Weg fragen" course. "An" is two case prepositions right and here we are using orientation so the question is "wohin" and not &...
sara ziada's user avatar
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2 answers

Why do we say" im Deutschen" instead of "in Deutsch"?

When we want to say in German, I noticed some say im Deutschen instead of in Deutsch. I'm confused as to why Deutschen has an n at the end and why it is a name and not an adjective.
Ahmed 's user avatar
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What is the difference between "ins" and "im" in German? [closed]

What's the difference between ins and im? They both translate to in the. I'm thinking ins is more a reference to place but I'm not sure when to use im.
ds5137's user avatar
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4 answers

»jemand(em) schreiben« vs. »an jemand(en) schreiben«

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen jemand(em) schreiben und an jemand(en) schreiben? Es kommt mir so vor, dass jemand(em) schreiben gebräuchlicher ist, also Dativ. Wird der Dativ immer bevorzugt und ...
neutronhammer's user avatar