Do Germans use "madame" often to address non-married or a married woman?
Or do they use Frau more often?
Confused why being called 'madame' by Germans.
I am not French.
Do Germans use "madame" often to address non-married or a married woman?
Or do they use Frau more often?
Confused why being called 'madame' by Germans.
I am not French.
The generally accepted, most common form of address for a female is "Frau". But Germans also do use Madame as a form of address. Although not nearly as often as the neutral default "Frau". Using Madame is more often heard than many people seem to notice. It is not really 'unusual', or 'very rare' but pales in absolute frequency to "Frau". Not least because Madame might carry a load of different connotations: in polite encounters among Germans it might be a not so good idea to use Madame. The absolute frequency varies overall, through times, and from region to region:
(Source: DWDS – Verlaufskurve Madame)
But: This usage depends highly on the situation and circumstances. The range of possible meanings and especially connotations make it impossible to look at this word and define it out of context.
There are three different ways to pronounce this word: English, French and German (although French and German sound almost like homophones).
If someone identifies you as English speaking (and even more so if she uses English pronunciation) this is likely a courtesy, trying to address you with a supposedly familiar or correct form. Same goes for the case that you are identified as possibly a French native speaker.
In both other pronunciation cases than English, things get difficult if this is not meant as courtesy to an obvious foreigner.
Commonly the following meanings are listed:
Aussprache: IPA: [madam], Plural: [medam] Hörbeispiele: Lautsprecherbild madame (Info) Reime: -am
1. veraltet: Ehrentitel für Angehörige der oberen Schichten:
2. Titel für eine verheiratete Frau oder in Verbindung mit Berufsbezeichnungen: Frau
3. als direkte Anrede: gnädige Frau, Madame
4. umgangssprachlich: Dame
5. absolut: Hausherrin
Or more simple:
1) als Anrede: Frau, gnädige Frau
1) Küss die Hand, Madame.Madame
Synonyme Frau, Madam (stilistische Variante)
Oberbegriff Anrede
Some synonyms:
Dame | Frau von Stand | Grazie | Lady | Madame [frz.] | elegante Frau
titelähnlich oder als Anrede gebrauchte französische Bezeichnung für Frau
But this leaves out the considerable leeway Germans exploit when using this word.
maschinell ausgesucht aus den DWDS-Korpora
Die Madame des hoteleigenen Nachtclubs habe in der ganzen Stadt die Mädchen zusammen gesucht, für mehr als 1200 Yuan (133 Euro) pro Kopf.
Süddeutsche Zeitung, 30.09.2003Diese Frage vermag Madame Trautmann noch nicht zu beantworten, sie gibt sich aber locker und interessiert.
Die Welt, 07.12.2001Die Madame kennt sie alle - und kann die abtrünnigen Geistlichen vermitteln. Bild, 06.01.1998
Er verfügt definitiv über mehr Glamour als Edelgard Bulmahn, die bedauernswerte Madame Pisa.
Der Tagesspiegel, 20.09.2003Frans Hals soll den Männern beibringen, daß sie Hüte tragen müssen, um ein respektables Ansehen zu gewinnen, schon Fragonard, Mesdames, kannte das Geheimnis der Unterwäsche.
Die Zeit, 19.05.1967, Nr. 20And mainly inspired from older literature: "als modische allgemeine anrede an höher gestellte frauen seit dem 16. jahrh. aus dem französischen übernommen" | madam! ich liebe sie! | madame! sie sind die schönste aller frauen! | madame, wir haben heut Mariatag. |
Often with an extreme germanised pronuciation this is mainly found in Hamburg and Berlin as a form of address for young girls, especially for calling on them. But also for any female when meant as a half-polite form of a derogatory address.
Maddam meist abfällig gebrauchte Bezeichnung für eine Frau oder ein Mädchen, das einem nahe steht.
Wenn ich Maddamm noch ma beim Schwänzen erwisch, dann is aber Mattäi am Letzten, lass dir dat gesacht sein. Ach, Madam is sich zu fein für dat bischen Putzen un Kochen? Ach, Maddamm kommt auch schon nach Hause?
As you can see, this form of address is applied in different contexts with very different meanings. In the Rhineland it mostly for young girls, in Hamburg it is also used for prostitutes, and in Berlin it can almost considered a standard form of acceptable address (colloquially, cf "Berliner Schnauze").
Without more context for tone of voice, very concrete situations – and this includes location (it seems to be quite uncommon in general to the south of the German speaking world) – this is hard to diagnose as anything other than form of address for a female. It can be many things. From extremely formal to extremely colloquial, from paying high respect to being quite insulting.
Further examples for possible confusion and differing opinions on connotations: Bedeutung des Wortes "Madame"?, Was Bedeutet Dieser Kosename?, Madame?!, Ist "Madame" eine abwertende Bezeichnung?, Kommentare zu "Madame", Madame fehlt mir noch, so werd ich immer genannt wenn ich irgendwo was kaufen soll.
spoiled brat
, hence the past reference to the aristocracy), always depending on the context (otherwise it is barely used, despite we have quite some French lend-words).
"Madame" is NOT used in German EXCEPT in an ironic/derogative way, especially for misbehaving little girls. "Frau" is almost always used with a name (Frau Müller, ...) not just "Frau" to address someone. Directly addressing someone without a name (such as Mister/Monsieur) does not exist in modern German except in formal situations ("Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ...").
Bei der Interpretation genügt es nach dem Tonfall und dem Kontext zu gehen. Von zärtlich bis verachtend ist alles drin, wie LangLangC ausführt.
Madame wird immer mal wieder von jemandem verwendet, aber lange nicht so häufig wie wie das neutralere Frau, welches insbesondere in formalen Kontexten dominant ist.
Eine ironische Note wird häufig dabei sein, aber diese einzuordnen bedarf der genaueren Kenntnis der Sprecher und der Situation. Der Begriff betont das damenhafte.
Die Schreibweise 'Madame' lässt die Spekulation über eine englische Aussprache nicht zu, wie auch der Hinweis, keine Französin zu sein.
This question has its fair share of answers, but except for the comments, I do not really see the fact that OP is _being called_ Madame mentioned anywhere.
So, if you are called Madame today in Germany, then one of these (rather specific) cases could apply:
I cannot really think of any other case. In normal day-to-day-life, especially with the regular distance we keep in Germany, especially in a workplace, the word is more or less unheard-of. If you are just a normal woman in normal surroundings, I also would be quite confused if people used that word with you.
I am a foreigner in Germany.
I can't remember a single time to hear the word "madam" from native speakers. Although they know and they would surely understand it.
"Frau" is a quite common word, it means mainly "woman", but has also the polite-honorful tone as "madame".
That word is in use, but not very common nowadays, and the meaning is heavily dependant on the context.
Examples could be:
Anyway, "gnädige Frau" is a more up to date replacement for "Madame", especially for the more positive connotations.